A couple polo's, some nice ties, new dress shoes, Cowl of Dory: Map Adventures 2, some steam gift cards, xbl year sign up ****, GTA V(I know there is no release date, I still want it)
Already got a pair of boots a few months ago as part of christmas. Uhhh mostly money for food, if theres anything specific I want to buy its Halo Anniversary now that its cheap, Halo Wars because I never bought it and kinda liked it when I borrowed it from Grif a ways back, and the War Games map pass for 4 as well as Hearthfire and Dawngaurd for Skyrim (I can wait a while on the Skyrim stuff) Oh and a white Mike Eruzione jersey
Stouf, if you get Halo Wars I will play it with you. Jay Leno & Bill Maher On Religion - YouTube Don't watch the video, just read the comments.
I just read the first page and top comments and felt myself becoming less intelligent by each post read. "no one has the right to not be offended..so shut up.." - benjamin Wilson Sexual Harassment, racial profiling, etc "God believers (any god) deserve exactly the same respect given to believers in fairies, Santa Claus, leprechauns or any other extremely unlikely fantasy. No more, no less respect." - geoden So if you believe in anything that is not proven to be true, without doubt, I will treat you as a dumb**** that likes to eat **** for its "nutrients." Also, who started the Big Bang, who put the matter there, who created the creator. HUE HUE HUE "We should stop voting for both because all the republicans want to do is piss on you.The only thing the Democrats do is hand you an umbrella before they piss all over you.I say we get rid of the president congress all law making parts of gov.Put all the laws on the internet to be voted on.Take a 4 day gov forced week end 2 days paid 2 days the week end.Then threaten a fine to get everyone to go on the internet & vote.All laws sent to police & enforced no law makers needed." - spaceshipidentified Because using the internet to vote is a good thing and cannot be manipulated in any way shape or form (take the whitehouse.gov bills thing or whatever.) Who enforces the laws eh? Don't mind me, I'm just mad.
I didn't watch the video, and from the two, maybe 3 times I've watch Jay Leno, I can see he is a fat prick and is not funny. Here this will work a little better.
Don't pull that ****. OP remains clean. It is not some cluster**** of circle-jerk mod edits to give anyone looking at it the impression that they can **** around in here. Otherwise we get a bunch of new idiots every week and we lose the ability to find proxies.