Yes, but I mean that there ought to be no more than 3 options period. No random roulette of weapons chosen from a setlist. I don't like that one person might get scattershot/needler/speedboost and another shotgun/sniper/overshield. The two simply aren't comparable and clearly give one player a better advantage over the other.
I was strolling around in Spartan Ops, and i thought.. Lets do one on Legendary, solo. But that is almost impossible, at least very hard. I think there should be an amazing reward for all the people who finish all the chapters on legendary. Like Master Chief,s Halo 4 armor. And i want to show you guys an video, someone implemented the extraction crates in a very fun minigame. It shows one of the possibilities. Halo 4 Forge Maps - Spleef Arena - YouTube And has anyone seen Insanmiac,s Dreamer,s Folly? That is one amazing flood map, if someone wants the video link, just say so. If you bought the LE you have everything. But i assume you dont. The people who buy the LE only have an slight advantage..
Solo? Believe me, its going to get alot harder. Here is the new trailer for anyone who hasn't seen it. Spartan Ops Episode 4 Trailer - YouTube Jul M'dama is getting closer to becoming an target in the next chapters. Problem is though, i didnt like killing his second hand that much, it just felt like killing another Elite. Difference was that he was an Elite Hero with an fuel rod gun.
well thats not to bad, only a week away... i guess ill forge till thats done. this sucks though, im already sr 64 lmao i can probably get to 70 tomorrow
Or they could just do the obvious and just not use random hill order. I know people dislike having it predictable, but balanced + predictable > unbalanced + unpredictable, maps like that at least. Use random all you like on maps without set side spawns, but not on stuff like Ragnarok.
Crud, you guys have so much free time on your hands.. I thought I was playing too much and I'm SR 30ish..
Well having the game since day one, double xp spartan ops grinding, and the fact that the first five levels of the specializations dont take much time at all kind of adds up, i hit the xp cap for the first time the other day, made me sad
Ducain23 made an video.. Thats nothing new, but i want you guys to see something. At around 8:23 - 8:25 something weird pops up, some green white blocks. And at 9:21 again. The gravity zones are covering those areas, so i assume its a problem with that. Does that need to be fixed? See for yourself. Halo 4 Custom Maps - "Rad Low-Grav" by Teasen + Fan Mail Friday - YouTube
It has 3. Impact, Erosion, and Ravine. There are some THFE vids up that Duck kindly posted on Forgehub.
But nothing quite like forge world. Each of the three maps are only a small fraction of the size of forge world.
Glad I got mileage out of my LE after all. Will be mid-80 or 90 by the first methinks depending on if I get double exp or not.
this could be really useful for the video-making folks: SillyGoose's Halo 4 Sound FX Pack [FREE DOWNLOAD] - YouTube
this isnt comfirmed yet, but if its true im gunna be happy Halo 4 MapPack Release Dates - General Discussion - The Halo Council