[Idea] Force Field Armor Ability

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Metroshell, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Idea:
    An armor ability that repels grenades flying toward the player.

    It wouldn't last too long.
    Its radius would be the perfect size.
    Its graphic particle would be spherical, vibrating/resonating, kinda distorting the mass around it all cool-like.

    And The "Probably-Overpowered" Version:
    An armor ability that repels grenades flying toward the player AND pushes enemy players away at the velocity the force-fielded player is moving (so no player repel when standing still).

    What does everyone think?
  2. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Forerunner

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    That may be a good powerup idea, but as far as armor abilities go, messing with players ability to damage people is never a great idea for you to get off of starts. that's why Armor lock and bubble shield failed, and why hardlight shield is sub-par in terms of how well it helps gameplay. You always need to imagine what the game would be like if everyone chose this, which is a real possibility. It would cut out grenades entirely, as well as melee, and every short ranged weapon. Cutting out an aspect of a game is never really a good idea, especially for starts. it might function well as a powerup, though, because instead of always having to deal with this, you would have to make sure you are prepared every time one of these powerups does drop with some sort of a power weapon to counter, which is effectively the nature of the existing powerups, and would probably fit into the game that way quite nicely.
  3. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I definitely see where you're coming from. And, if it were to be a powerup, it could last as long as the other powerups, which would be great.
  4. Thrillah24

    Thrillah24 Forerunner
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    I think it would work. It wouldn't actually apply damage to the other player, just push them away. It would be effective in any gametype that involves a close range weapon. I.E. Flood, or just anyone with a close range weapon. It would take skill in timing to use, and i think it should only last like less than a second. That way if you miss, you would be vulnerable to attack. It could have a small radius, and as it gets further away from you, it is weaker. It would affect them less and less, or the grenade less and less. I actually think this an extremely good idea, an would make for some fun mini games. I think it would work best as an armor ability, with a short radius and time, and a sort of long recharge rate.
  5. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    Sounds like it could very well be worked on.
    Providing they got the recharge time right, and I don't think a continuous repel would work. Maybe a burst? Asin it can be relatively powerful, send enemies back a good few meters, but just one quick 'Gravity Pulse' enough to repel grenades from around you and your teammates, maybe even un-stick plasma grenades, aswell as repelling close quarters players. It should only last for a second before needing to recharge.

    Honestly I think it's a great idea, might take practise to get the timing right but it isn't overpowered. We all know how frustrating it is being stuck in a corridor with teammates when suddenly 20 grenade icons appear around you. Could seriously come in handy.

    And now you've got a name for it! 'Gravity Pulse.'
    -Peace, TS
    #5 Turtlespoon, Nov 27, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  6. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    So in other words a bubble shield you can shoot through that only lasts momentarily. Sounds like the bubble shield to me lol. I would rather just see the bubble shield back in all its Halo 3 glory than this to be honest, and I'm not a huge bubble shield fan or anything. I'm perfectly ok with it gone, although in Halo 3 it was kind of a neat novelty even though it deployed too slowly to be very useful usually lol.
  7. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    I don't think he means protection from bullets. More like a quick 1 second magnet burst that can repel players and grenades.

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