Doctor Who Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xSharpshooter94, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Captain Jack is the epitome of Davies having direct control over something. He was awesome on Doctor Who, where Davies had to rein it in, but became just some gay ***** on Torchwood. I say "gay *****" because entire scenes are dedicated to him having sex with dudes (especially in the latest mini) as opposed to him being a subdued, witty "omnisexual" in Doctor Who.
  2. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    I do have to say that Torchwood is a little weird. I did like the idea of progress in social values in the future, I thought that was a cool little liberalizing idea.
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Torchwood is weird as ****, yo.
  4. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I miss David Tennant. Matt Smith just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the childish grin he seems to have in even serious moments of the show or how he always seems aloof of the situation at hand instead of in control of it.
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    That's why I like him, because of his aloofness he gives off the impression that he knows exactly what he's doing. That's my opinion, anyway.

    Also, I've discovered this Doctor Who: The Majestic Tale Trailer - YouTube, I wish it was an official trailer, and not just a fan-made one, but it still got me pumped for the 50th anniversary.
    #25 pinohkio, Dec 7, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  6. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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  7. CFs GF

    CFs GF Promethean

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    Technically, Matt Smith was my first doctor... and we all know you never forget your first doctor. It makes me sad that so many people hate on Matt Smith simply cause David left. I feel like no one could fill the supposed "void" people feel, and that no matter who filled in people were gonna compare him to David. I bet people won't realize how awesome Matt is until he is no longer the Doctor.
  8. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    Matt Smith seems the epitome of Moffat's idea of making the Doctor somewhat Vulnerable and human. Which I have to say worked with Tennant because I still got that omniscient feel from him. Smith just seems to never be in control of everything. They're different characters, and I like them both!

    Also, I've broken my own rule and dupe'd a thread. Fail. Oh well XD!
  9. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    I dislike the new series, and matt smith, but not because tennant left. The fact that tennant was a better actor just emphasises my problems with matt smith which I'd feel regardless for him.

    It's not credible for him to be serious. He flips on a dime from jolly to serious in such an unbelievable manner. He's not consistent at all. This is probably due to the appalling writing, but matt smith also doesn't have the talent to pull any of the changes in feeling off.

    As for his character, it gets worse.
    The new doctor is totally 1 dimensional. He doesn't change character-wise at all.
    The show is overly pretentious, they add in historical references every 5 minutes or some kind of line that's to try and make him seem impressive like "He's the doctor" in an emphasised fashion and I couldn't be less impressed by him. Every other day they say something else to emphasise the character did something impressive at some point, and far too often do these quote epic unquote things, which doesn't make the character seem more impressive, it makes everything he does seem less impressive because it jades the viewer. This kind of thing happens far to often in fiction. If in the first lord of the ring book, someone said offhand "remember this one time when gandalf killed the dragon without looking?" (not related to the hobbit, an example) then him being able to defeat the balrog would be a lot LESS impressive. In fact, the fact he spent days and nights fighting it would just make it worse.
    do you even watch the show?!)

    The other characters are just as bad.
    They're supposed to be likeable but I just don't like them. And they spend so long focusing on characters I don't care at all for that it's just like being locked in a room with someone you don't like.

    It's never about the plot or events anymore.
    It's always about the new characters, which as previously mentioned I really aren't a fan of. It's about what happens to them, not about what is happening. The doctor now doesn't seem to care for anyone but the main characters. The new plots are far too predictable.

    The changes to the canon are horrific.
    They've changed the show entirely. They've added a series of clear running jokes (well, not jokes, but I forget the word for it) which happen far too much in the show. They've quietly retconned the "only 12 regenerations" part to prolong the show.
    Both clear signs of merchandising.

    This has been very unorganised but I'm not exactly in a convenient place to write an essay on the new series or anything.

    on another note
    the newer coloured power rangers daleks.

    Edited by merge:

    Was in a bit of a rush to post previous response to sharp, but here's a better response:

    The new doctor does not seem more human because of his behaviour, personality and lack of depth.

    The doctor is a timelord. The fact he says less stuff about time and space does not make him more human. There's nothing wrong with not being human, but there is something wrong with being a 1 dimensional character who is utterly predictable and without change.

    The new doctor is in no way vulnerable because there is a certainty that he escapes every occasion.
    Something supporting this and his lack of humanity is the fact they say so many offhand "I wrote songs for beethoven" style things, and he now saves the entire universe every other day.
    #29 Dreaddraco2, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
  10. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    I'm probably blinded by my love for the show. I like the new series because this is first one I've watched. I liked tennant's character. it was just awesome. I love Smith too, just in different ways. I'm a loyal Who fan and I still get the joy from watching the new episodes. My only real discrepancy is the time travel loopholes. Some things just don't make sense why he can't alter them with a time machine.
  11. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    The episode I'm writing (on spec) as soon as the christmas special ends is all about loopholes and typical time travel tropes all colliding at once.
  12. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Certain events are "time locked" which in the original series it was explained the Time Lord council picked these moments as key moments in time that must not be altered.
  13. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    @Sarge That's pretty ****ing cool. post it when you release it.

    @Pac I know what Time-locked is. DUur. lol. I mean like the whole thing with the Ponds. Still haven't figured that out.
  14. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Can.. Can they even do that?
  15. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    They seem to be using the term fixed time point rather than locked time point, in regards to the ponds. I suppose that one being locked by the time counsel still has potential to be changed, but a fixed point can never be visited. Of course I could be over thinking it and it could just be the same thing. I dunno.

    Also, dunno why they need all the paradoxes and deaths surrounding the companions, ****, oswin has died twice and she isnt even a companion yet. I thought it would have ben infnitely more interesting for him to realize that at the end of their journey together that she will die the way they met.
    #35 Aschur, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
  16. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    I think I know exactly what's going on with Oswin given what was presented in the episode.

    But I still want to see Ganger Doctor return :C
  17. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    thoughts on the new tardis interior?
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Don't forget Jekyll! A great 6 episode series by Moffatt. Its on Netflix right now.

    I know you wrote this about 11, but it reads like it was written about 10. Tennant was the KING of flipping from jolly to serious on a dime.

    Tennant is definitely the better actor, but I still like Smith. And I've actually enjoyed the writing since Moffat took over. He's slowly turning the show from Sci-Fi into Fairy Tale, which is kick ass.
  19. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    So, what was anyone's view on the Christmas episode. i keep re-watching it, and I still think it is awesome. Mostly because the new TARDIS is sexy looking!
  20. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    You're still re watching it? I've only watched it four times..

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