Aside from the fact that blue team can get to the gauss and tank faster than red team you are right. Exile is a fun map but much like the rest of the maps, balance is a fairly large problem.
I'm pretty sick of the skill system overestimating how good I am and matching me up with people I cant compete with
Point enough, but isn't their negative purpose enough to warrant them being limited, regardless of their effectiveness? Also, the visible blast radius could also be an annoyance to aiming. Has anyone tried/encountered this?
Wow, The 1 zoom shot + 3 unzoomed shot sounds really useful. I don't think the 2 zoom shot + melee will be though. It at least makes it good for racking up quick assists.
And extraction crates dissappear with an blue pulse when shot or smacked. I got an double kill between two lives a few days ago. I was playing regicide and i killed an guy, who threw an sticky on me at death. So i died, but when i re-spawned the king was right in my sight, shields down and shot him in the head. And got an double kill.. Edited by merge: The mysterious dom labels revealed! Remember to post comments about the problems as quickly as you can, because they will notice it! (Like the comment in the video, or it gets passed upwards) Halo 4 Forge Tutorial - Game Type Labels - YouTube
Spartan Ops got much better this week. The maps fit well, even if we have seen them before in different circumstances. That fourth mission though. Oh man, Mock and I were getting slaughtered on Legendary.
Am I the only one who finds Spartan Ops incredibly tedious? Does it get better as it goes, or should I just be playing the campaign ?
Not any more tedious then endless waves on firefight. In fact, because there is at least some semblance of a goal and a ticking clock to everything it keeps moving quite well I think. Plus the cinematics make me wet in places that shall remain namel-my pants.
I've only completed the first four chapters but am finding them to be the same. They seem like short campaign missions with no stakes and strangely dumb AI at times (the elites in particular seem prone to just standing there and letting you shoot them in the face - no idea why). I think they might have been better off and going whole-hog with the CoD lifting, because I remember enjoying the SpecOps missions in MW2 a lot more than this, despite not being much of a CoD fan at all. Something is missing here for me - a certain adrenaline rush or cinematic quality or something (which, might I add, was present in the campaign). I still want to complete the first three episodes and see if they improve. Hopefully they will.
Strange that you say the AI feel dumb, I've found them to be incredibly aggressive compared to enemies in campaign. I was playing co op and we tried to hold down in a building and they just burst in around us and gave us nowhere to run.
^ This Yes, there was the odd dumb AI every now and again but normally I would have the enemies consistently try to butt rape me. When I was tag-teaming with a friend I had a solid 5 minutes during the 3rd chapter (on complex I think) where 2 elites were legitimately chasing me. They wouldn't stop, I must have lapped the entire map with the two elites hunting me like they were the predator and I was every human but Arnold.
Has this weeks bulletin gone up yet? Also, what are everyone's thoughts on the addition of the Mantis to Meltdown? I can't say I'm of a fan of it. It just makes the middle of the map a bigger cluster**** that it already is.
Agreed, the mantis's were already weird in Dominion. It turned a slightly hoggable map into an unhoggable map. Not that it isn't fun to use one or laser one, but overall they hurt the map.
has anyone else gotten and used the Operator wheelman ability? it ****ing rules, you come out of EMP charge like twice as fast saved my ass a couple times already!!