It's been done. I feel like it should have been done a while ago. We have a multitude of UK and foreign fans here. Despite many of us not being residents of the land the Doctor seems so fond of, we all have been touched by him in some way. So lets be who we truly are: Whovians! This thread is to discuss the show's plot, both the original and new series. Share your speculations on future episodes or discuss who your favorite Doctor is. Just spread the Awesomeness that is Doctor Who? as you do it! Also, for anyone who doesn't know what i am talking about here is a little synopsis, as well as a link to the show's wikia. Wikia: TARDIS Index File, the Doctor Who wiki Synopsis: Well that's it. Alons-y!
I was actually really sad when I saw the ponds leave. They seem to also be coming close to the end of the River Song story arch. Which fits because she should go with the Ponds. I really am looking forward to JLC as the new companion though. The Doctor looked so sad when he was alone at the end of the last episode.
I love ERB, but I thought that didn't do The Doctor justice. Only a few references and, well, he's a timelord genius. He can easily beat a crackpot from the 1980s.
The seventh Doctor is playing Radagast The Brown in The Hobbit. Words cannot express my joy in this fact.
Except me, I love Marvel/DC. Does anyone have any ideas what the deal with the Doctor's name is though. I'm really excited for the reveal.
If they reveal it, I'm not watching any more new episode. I'm pissed enough with the direction they've taken the series this year. Dinosaurs in space? Shitty writing on the "Angels" episode? A slimmed down, condensed episode with the Daleks? Honestly, things are going down hill. I'll admit that some episodes (Agatha Christie and the wasp) didn't take much written talent either, but this is ridiculous.
Is it only this season you didn't like, or did you not like the whole, death of the doctor thing in season 6 as well.
I thought that was brilliantly written, they way they brought in all of the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. Yeah, they cheesed off in the very end, but it wasn't near as bad as the first half of series 7.
I read "The return of JLC" as "The return of Justin Lee Collins". Maybe I should draw the line of British broadcasting that I watch at just Doctor Who. And I hope the second half is better, and I hope they thought of a way to tie all the **** together.
That's like saying that MacDonalds hamburgers are good beef, but they pale in comparison to the whole cow. You can barely compare the two.
Haha, why? I just liked the job Davies and Tennant did with the show. However, Moffat has some awesome stories. I guess that comment was a little too general.
Davies uses cliches and tropes left and right to tell his stories. Moffat tries to break convention in some way in every one of his. The dialogue is infinitely sharper too. Nearly every awesome episode during Tennant's run was written by Moffat, if not all of them. Then there's Sherlock, had that been helmed by Davies it'd be nowhere near as smart and there'd be an intensely-flamboyant homosexual character shoehorned in for no reason.