Any Word on gametypes being added?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Thrillah24, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Thrillah24

    Thrillah24 Forerunner
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    I am extremely worried about forge seeing as how there is no Race gametype, and no HaloBall gametypes. These are the foundation of minigames on forge, and I was wondering if anyone had heard any new on these. Like, whether or not they are being added. I would be thankful for any information.

  2. Euphorius

    Euphorius Promethean

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    Make some noise bucko. These gametypes aren't going to get implemented unless the community yells loud enough.
  3. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    So far 343 is adding a new gametype every week, so we can at least hope to get the correct gametype we wanted.
  4. Thrillah24

    Thrillah24 Forerunner
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    I don't understand how they could tell us they put all this effort into Forge, but not include the building blocks of Forge that made it what it was. While I love Spartan Ops, It seems to me Forge was thrown to the wayside for it, and I would take Forge over Spartan Ops anyday. How would one make this kind of noise with 343i?

    Edited by merge:

    But I was lead to believe these were multiplayer gametypes only. By that I mean Multi-Team, FFA, and variants of already created gametypes. I didn't think they were going to be adding minigame gametypes. Also, I have noticed when a gametype is added like SWAT or Snipers, the gametype is also added into the slayer menu underneath of custom games/Forge. Do these go away when those gametypes go away, or do they stay forever? Can anyne confirm these things?

    #4 Thrillah24, Nov 20, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2012
  5. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No no no no, those are playlists. Thrillah24 means actual gametypes like Slayer or Capture The Flag.
  6. Euphorius

    Euphorius Promethean

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    Well mate, here's the deal. I called this LONG before Halo 4 actually came out:

    343i overextended themselves. They had so many cool ideas for H4 that they left no time for polish and/or necessary features that a lot of us came to expect from the title. This doesn't make Halo 4 a BAD game. It's just a common misstep for a new studio to implement too many ideas at a time and not take the time to fully bug test/put on the metaphorical 'wax' on the core systems. Hence why we're finding some rather obnoxious bugs in the common, traditional game modes.
    I don't know who decided to Axe half the traditional gametypes, but I sincerely hope they feel bad. Assault, 1 Flag, Race, HaloBall, and many more have a full place in Halo 4.

    In all honesty, I think they should have pushed release back until core features like the File Browser were up and these systems we're experiencing issues with were totally bug free.

    That said, noise can and will only be made on the forums. Don't spam, but present a structured argument on WHY 343i needs to add these back to the game. You never know who may be reading.

  7. Thrillah24

    Thrillah24 Forerunner
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    Thanks a lot for your response. We need to find a way to structure these arguments together. i saw somone posted a thread called "We are upset with H4, so lets let 343i know" or something like this. The problem is this has already been pushed back to the 2nd page. And we all know that the further pack a thread gets pushed, the less it is going to be seen. Any ideas on this?
  8. Euphorius

    Euphorius Promethean

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    There's a kicker. If you've ever been to the Waypoint forums, they're an absolutely clusterf%#k. There's so many kids/trolls on there I've never actually stumbled across a intelligent discussion. Which is both frustrating and sad because that's 343i's home territory. If something would get attention, my money would be it would be a post on there.
    That said, Forgehub is affiliated with 343i. So I have no doubt this site occasionally gets official attention. There's little doubt in my mind that the thread you mentioned above has already been read in a official compacity. But beyond that, Developers these days are notoriously closed mouthed with their community. (The exception to this, and something I sorely miss, is Bungie's 7th Column. The mods were all over responding to players needs)
    That said, you have two options: Continue to post and show support for the additional of new gametypes, which really won't feel like you're doing much at all and through which I cannot garuntee results.
    Or boycott the game, which isn't very much fun for you. Companies usually respond to monetary or popularity loss and not much more. (The sad truth about incorporated game studios -le sigh-)
    I'd personally go with the first option, but it depends on how strongly you feel. Fingers crossed 343i has an ear to the ground on this matter.
  9. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    minigames have been around well before Race and HaloBall. Minigames were the reason race and haloball were created, not the other way around. Will we get those gametypes? Maybe, but I doubt it.
  10. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    But race was in Halo 1...
  11. Aeoss

    Aeoss Ancient
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    I have a deep feeling they will attempt to rectify the minigame community but only in the distant future. when they are rudely awakened by the lack of attention this game will recieve due to lack of variety in game to continue attracting a crowd or please its audience with something new to always discover. so far the only thing i keep discovering is glitches, and the excessive number of loop holes i have to take advantage of to even get remotely close to a decent minigame that doesnt require extensive honor rules.
  12. Thrillah24

    Thrillah24 Forerunner
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    I'm not saying they were around first, but I am saying that I believe these gametypes with a few more, were the definition of custom games. A set of gametypes that were completely different from the original Halo theme. Mini games didn't even come around until Halo 3 anyways so why are we talking about firsts. Just want to know where these gametypes are because to me they define my custom game experience. If they don't for you more power to you. You don't need to wait around for these additions before you can enjoy Forge/Custom Games.
  13. ManlyStudson

    ManlyStudson Promethean

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    Although, Halo 4 is a much better Halo game then it ever has been. "Halo game" meaning it's better with non-forge, non-minigame, non-racetrack, etc. games.
  14. Thrillah24

    Thrillah24 Forerunner
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    No doubt there. 343i has done an amazing job with the Halo title, and focused on this amazing new storyline, and also an alternate story line with Spartan Ops. I am extremely impressed with all of that. The only problem I have is Custom Games/Forge is what made Halo such a big piece of my heart. It was playable all the way until the release of the next Halo title, and then some. Halo Reach expounded upon the things that were being created in Halo 3 and tried to make them better. People found a lot of flaws in Halo Reach though, and instead of just trying to make those flaws better, it seems the just tried to restart with Halo 3 forge, and left a lot of things out. Hopefully they add more for the enjoyment of Halo for the time to come after Spartan Ops, and War Games get boring.
  15. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    And then it was removed in Halo 2 because it wasn't popular enough..

    The new download system makes me more confident that additional content will be granted :)
  16. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
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    Er... the Halo 4 forge is nothing like Halo 3 forge. It's essentially the Reach forge with a lot of upgrades and a few things that were accidentally removed (near confirmation of them trying to patch back in precision editing.)
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    How did Bungie know that? Did they take a poll or something? There was no online multiplayer to judge from (not that Bungie ever did **** with race online, anyway).

    The big failing of race in CE was that there was nothing remotely purpose-built to play it on; the reason race was a success in H3 and Reach is down to one thing: forge. It absolutely should be brought back, and it would take almost no effort on their part to do so. Likewise with Insane - just port the gametypes over from Reach with a little H4 support for ordnance or whatever, and presto.
  18. Thrillah24

    Thrillah24 Forerunner
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    IMO, Reach wasn't anything like H3 either. I just meant that it doesn't seem like they upgraded anything. Almost like they just started all over with their own ideas. IE why I said H3.

    And how is this a confirmation of them trying to patch back precision editing?
  19. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    @Thrillah24 There's an interview in which a 343i guy says that it was a mistake. As for Halo 3, I think you should just drop the point.. it's hopeless.

    @Nut: Well, I don't really see another reason for it.. although assumption conceded. This is a good point you have here.
  20. Thrillah24

    Thrillah24 Forerunner
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    I already knew about the interview, I was just asking how he thought that what he said was an indicator of it. And it wasn't a point I was trying to make. I said IMO, which is in my opinion. That's all.

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