Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    *cough* mw2 *cough* Loved mw2 and Reach but constantly fighting about how good the games where when it was cool to hate it, now i hear people talk about mw2 fondly.

    I hate how my brain works some times, All the things i was worried about are coming true its like "hnnnnng", loadouts BTB PP/Plasma/Sprint/perks/aa's would ruining vehicles was my main concern and that's came true, I was hoping my concerns where gonna be wrong :(

    I find it funny anyone calls any halo "True halo" or "Not a real halo".

    I was concerned about individual games been boring like TF2 (no one really cares about winning that game, just going in shooting a few people and leaving) but seems to me you think its just boring because of the mechanics? Does the drop in drop out effect gameplay much?
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I wish Dominion was longer.
  3. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    So i got my first halo 4 overkill today.. yea it was in a banshee.. :(
    (almost had the tac if this game didnt want me to blow up all the time, but whatevs'. nothin great)
    #9823 RoboArtist, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
  4. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    It isn't even really that for me, it just has so little depth. I have nothing to think about besides basic mechanics. I can't really successfully control anything on the map, all I can do is hunt around, find people, shoot people, rinse and repeat. There isn't a higher strategic goal that I can find when trying to play Infinity Slayer. Objective, like CTF, has been dumbed down with Oddball looking like the best candidate for complex gameplay now (which is saying something).

    I don't really come to Halo to play mind-numbing fun, I come for a strategic and fun skill-based (but still friendly) competition. I don't do mind-numbing fun (with the occasional exception) I don't like playing for commendations, which is what I realized I'm doing. Everything has been made too simple, and all of the deeper strategic components (map control/weapon control, finding or reclaiming pickups, respawn time, dropping/juggling/passing the objective, deciding when to pull flag/push, keeping tabs on enemy locations, etc) have been made harder/impossible to do or far less effective.

    That's mainly what bothers me.

    GRIFFIN XVI Promethean

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    Anybody else not getting their double XP? I have 44 matches, but none are being used...?
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    yea their site went down or something last night, i was unable to log in.
  7. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    You know once you redeem the codes you have to then activate them to your account right? Just checking.
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Absolutely agreed, very well put. The mechanics are fun enough and, without trying to sound too cocky, I'm good enough to do pretty well just relying on my aim, strafe and sense of positioning. I'm not left out in the cold by this reduced emphasis on strategy and control. But ultimately I want a lot more than that from a Halo game.

    I really want to see how MLG approach gametype design, if they even pick up the game at all.
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I can't see any other specializations apart from wetwork and operator. A few times I've been able to see all of them but right now I'm about to hit SR-50 and I was hoping to not pick Operator just yet.

    I haven't really heard others complaining about this so I'm a little confused

    edit: After turning my xbox on and off a couple times, it seems to be working.
    #9829 Linubidix, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  10. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    With regards to the Boltshot, I don't think it's unbalanced. It's a welcome disincentive to the melee rushing that has plagued previous titles. I very rarely see players moving in for the double beatdown like they did in Reach. The charge-up and the limited clip make a reliable CQC weapon, but IMO still inferior to the Shotgun. I haven't been very impressed with the Scattershot though. Not enough projectiles for the spread that it has.
    The sword is still solid if you use it intelligently. Combined with sprint it can wreck a team full of Boltshot users, provided you don't just rush them head-on.

    Haven't had any issues with BTB - PPs seem to be getting ignored for Boltshots for whatever reason. There are enough PPs around, but it's not overwhelming. I'm not normally a BTB fan, but I'm actually really enjoying it in Halo 4. I've spent more time flying a Banshee in 4 than I have in the rest of the series combined. The Mantis is sweet too - if you can find a piece of cover that fits well, you can keep one of those suckers running for quite a while, and man do they lay the hurt down on infantry..

    Ragnarok is fun - I haven't had games locking down like other people seem to. In my experience so far there is generally a constant push down pelican side, a random assortment of campy snipers on turret side, an idiot trying to laser from mid, and a flurry of vehicles zipping by at random. I mean, there are moments where one team is pinned in their base and a DMR battle ensues, but those have generally ended pretty quickly after a couple players from the pinned team respawn in flanking positions.

    Dominion - it's a really fun gametype. Basically Invasion Slayer++. I can see how the three base dynamic makes it prone to landslides, but I think that's just because the bases are too small and easy to hold. More bases or bigger bases would solve the problem pretty easily. Beyond that, it's one of the best iterations of objective gameplay I've seen. Players are rewarded for pursuing objectives, teamwork is critical for success, and the combat is very open and non-linear. Definitely a gametype with potential.

    Overall, Halo 4 feels like a really nice game. A little half-baked maybe, with the mounds of bugs and the list a mile long of conspicuous omissions, but fun. Like Halo 2 as far as that goes. It feels like they could have done with another year of development.
    I'm hopeful for the title updates they're talking about.
  11. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Reminder here. Just now, Team snipers was added to the list, and SWAT will go one more week before it gets out for a new gametype. Team snipers is pretty fun. Going to play it more right now.

    Edited by merge:

    The new SpOps episode is out.

    Spartan Ops Episode 3 - YouTube
    #9831 SpartanPeter, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  12. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Huh. I got a really weird glitch on SpOps episode 2 (the one on complex). At one point, all of the enemies were merged underground and I was fighting a bunch of weapons sliding around on the floor. You couldn't deal bullet damage, but you could punch and assassinate them, which made a bunch of joints/wireframe bodies pop out of the ground. At the end, I didn't get credit for completing the mission.

    I wish theater allowed me to save that film... :O
  13. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I just got it on saturday night.
    You may hang me at the post for saying this but:

    I honestly believe 343 have out bungie'd bungie.
    Halo 4, in my opinion, has the best campaign, and arguably the best multiplayer of the series.
  14. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Same here. I don't want to sound cocky either, but I've got the best K/D in Halo 4 than I have in any of the other games by a good .3 or .4 margin. It's not that I'm doing poorly, I just miss the depth.

    I imagine MLG would come up with something similar to Slayer Pro, if they touched it. And if the population of said playlist is any indicator, it wouldn't sell very well with the new generation of Halo players.

    Well, I think I'll never touch War Games with a ten foot pole anymore. When SpOps Season 1 wraps up (once again, really digging the SP and Co-Op, but MP kills it for me) I think I'll sell my Xbox to my brother. Unless Bungie's next game is console exclusive.
  15. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    I too am disappointed about the popularity of slayer pro. Then again, I have been playing with people who walk around in the open and can't see the broad side of a barn on their screens.. how can I expect them to get by without radar?

    Slayer Pro in itself is fun. I don't see very many idiots playing in there. Plus, it allows me to use Bumper Jumper (no JPs)
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    It's hard to gauge how it'll do on the competitive scene. There's a lot of enthusiasm around right now, but after Reach that's not surprising. I think the long term success is going to hinge on how they tackle gametypes (whether to embrace the additions or strip down Slayer Pro etc.), and how people react to that.

    Melee has issues, I'll be the first to admit that, but near totally nerfing it even in the case of power weapons, with a go to secondary, isn't really the way to fix that imo. They haven't rebalanced the mechanic, just dropped a roadblock in front of it in the form of the Boltshot.

    I dislike the whole "intelligently" argument. More often than not this doesn't depend on using the Sword intelligently, it relies on the opponents not playing intelligently and failing to use the Boltshot to full potential. Using the Sword effectively against someone who's worked out the Boltshot isn't as simple as you seem to be making out.
    #9836 Pegasi, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  17. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I love the boltshot and it worries me to see so many complainers. Complainers are going to get the weapon nerfed and that's NOT good for the Halo sandbox. The BS is honestly the best addition to the weapon sandbox since the GL in Reach. It's a perfectly balanced gun.

    Now is it the best choice for a loadout weapon? Maybe not... but I personally hate the secondaries as a whole. PP is IMO a bigger detriment to the game than the BS is..it ruins vehicle combat without Operator and combined that with stickies...

    However, as the game currently stands with secondaries, I like the BS there and I don't want to see it removed without the PP being removed as well. The BS crushes sprint punch, it hurts double melee, wrecks AR spray and punch. Yeah, there are a few other ways they could have changed melee but I like this; it works. Melee is still powerful and it's still quick. Sprint works in the sandbox quite well and the AR is a decent weapon. I wouldn't want to see too much changed (though I could deal with a crappy AR :p) to remove the stuff I listed above.

    I will agree that the BS hurts the Sword a bit, but I've gotten a full sword worth of kills on a straight spree..it's not impossible. The BS isn't an easy weapon to use..some people are great and some people are terrible with it. It's more skillful than a mauler and there are plenty of things built into the sandbox to avoid it. You have to make a choice: do you want to play in a way that prevents your death from a BS or do you want to play in a way which you might get a kill that was slipping away but you risk dying from a BS?
  18. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, generally I don't mind the BS much, but if it had to be removed from personal load-outs to lose the PP I would say so be it. Same with Pulse nades to go along with plasma. This is the one thing I cannot change even with customs without resorting to pre-made load-outs for all, something I don't want to do. Most vehicles can fight the plasma overcharge or have a quick enough kill time at range to nerf it's effectiveness. The chain hog does not though, and for me Halo == Hogging;
  19. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    ANyone else kind of disappointing that they have not only been recycling campaign spaces in spartan ops but now are using multiplayer maps as well?

    Also why do we only have two spartan ops challenges this week?
  20. Security

    Security Ancient
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    This feeling will wear off in a few days.

    Edited by merge:

    Do you not like pulse grenades because you think they are OP or just because you want everyone to have frag grenades?
    #9840 Security, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012

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