Halo: Battlefront: Impact

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by M0aHerder, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    I'm starting a new series of maps using the Dominion gametype called Halo: battlefront. It's basically Star Wars: Battlefront set in the Halo universe, with a few rule changes.

    The first map in this series, which was made as a test before I start recreating actual locations, is Impact. Unfortunately the location of the map Impact is not known, so I'm simply keeping the name the same. Here's some pictures:


    The command posts include each asteroid (Alpha and Epsilon), one inside the main entrance to the space station on the middle asteroids (Charlie), one deeper inside the space station (Bravo), and one on the satellite (Delta).

    Each asteroid holds two Banshees, and an additional Banshee spawns when Delta is captured. Upon capturing Bravo a Mantis spawns near the back of the space station.

    You can download both the map and gametype from my fileshare: M0aHerder.
  2. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    Damn, this looks neat. I personally didn't think that buildings were usable on the asteroids, seems like I have been proven wrong...

    I have two concerns, one is that the space around the buildings looks incredibly open, a bit more natural cover would solve the problem. And stop snipers or the vehicles from raising hell.

    And two, How many ways are their to get on the satellite? I can only see a teleporter and a few blocks between it and the space station. Does it have an interior too? Because if it doesn't, it looks incredibly open to banshees.
  3. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    Thanks for the feedback! I agree that the asteroids are rather bare, natural cover actually never occurred to me, I'll add some.

    There are 3 ways to get to the satellite: Banshees, jumping from the main asteroid (there are a few rocks that allow you to get there safely), and jumping from the space station across the blocks. The teleporter that you see is actually the capture point. I think I'll add some rocks floating around it in order to make it a little safer to get to and hold, assuming I have enough. If not, perhaps I'll make use of the gravity zones and add some floating vehicles.
  4. Phoenix of Wei

    Phoenix of Wei Ancient
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    Glad to see someone's starting to brave forging Dominion. My first impression upon seeing the screenshots is that the map is too large, but I'll definitely give it a DL and test.
  5. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    I have yet to properly test the map, so let me know what you come up with.
  6. Pshycic Suicide

    Pshycic Suicide Promethean

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    I really like the idea you're going with. I'm going to download the map and see it in person before I can give any actual feedback, but it looks really neat from the pictures and description.
  7. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    I did some small scale testing and changed a few things:
    -Man cannons on the lower asteroids that allow easy access to the main asteroids.
    -Added small asteroids around the satellite.
    -Added more natural cover on the main asteroids.
  8. Pshycic Suicide

    Pshycic Suicide Promethean

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    Well, I got the chance to review your map today. I took a quick tour around it in forge mode and I am pretty impressed. You took a large map and made it seem "full" without sacrificing too much budget. I liked the hanger structures you created, they're pretty unique. This map is extremely open. I think if the center structure was bigger that it would compensate for that. Maybe add a few more ways into the structure as well. This is a sniper friendly map that's going to have vehicle hoarders. You need to even it out a little bit with some more middle ground and more cover. If not, then if you're not in a vehicle.. sniping would be the only other option for you. But overall it looks good. If you need a tester, feel free to send me an invite.
  9. Nayr

    Nayr Promethean

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    I'll download it and if I can get a big enough group I'll try it out. I like the concept of Dominion we just need the first spark of creativity from forgers to really make it shine imo.
  10. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for taking a look at the map! I'm not sure if you downloaded the most recent version or not, as I uploaded it last night, but I added some asteroids to provide cover to the satellite and some other little things. There are actually 3 ways to get into the center structure, including the main one. On the side closest to the satellite there's a teleporter disguised as a door that leads inside, which is made a little more obvious in the new version. There's also a hole in the floor closest to Alpha asteroid, which can be accessed rather easily via various floating rocks. Not sure if you knew about these, but if you did I'm not sure if there are many other efficient ways to create more entrances.

    Also, the gametype that is supposed to be used for this map does not allow for snipers. The longest ranging weapon in the DMR, to avoid balance issues with the weapon sandbox. There are also Sticky Detonators for taking out Banshees.
  11. Pshycic Suicide

    Pshycic Suicide Promethean

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    I'll definitely have to download the more recent version. And I didn't get to check out the gametype with it. But, it seems like you got everything covered then. Looking forward to seeing it in action!
  12. Nayr

    Nayr Promethean

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    This is kinda off topic but I downloaded your Mantis Flood mode map and gametype Herder and I was wondering if it all works properly before I go to try it out? Do you have a separate thread somewhere for it?
  13. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I do not have a separate thread as of yet. I just updated the gametype and map to fix a few glitches, so download those and it should work.

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