We're disappointed with forge, now let's get 343 to hear us!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nondual, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. N1NJ4 SEAN

    N1NJ4 SEAN Promethean

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    What do you mean by nudge feature? I can edit coordinates to make my objects pit together more precisely. Whether or not i use magnets. And even though I agree the magnets frustrate the piss out of me, they also are helpful when I am lining up objects. I can create a map outline quickly with them and then edit them pretty easily. I'm not an amazing awesome map maker all the time but they always come out aligned and even, and they are what I want. Plus having a new developer or old or however you wanna put it, they are stepping into some big shoes to fill and I wouldn't doubt they read some of these blogs and check their own forums and are doing research to figure out what will make their game ten times better then it is right now. You may not have a forge world now but it may be possible with upcoming downloadable content. We forget that the game has only been out for a couple weeks and even bungie took a while to perfect reach and halo 3. Give them some time, support and as you have done keep putting in your two cents on how the game can be improved. Most of all have hope, I think we'll be seeing good things from 343 if we can maintain some patience with them.
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    The nudge feature in Reach was clicking in the left stick to slow piece movement way down. It let you do extreme fine-tuning going any direction, side to side or up and down. It was very helpful for making sure blocks were aligned exactly right, smoothing out bumps in the floor due to different object use or the rotation gltich, and eliminating z-fighting by barely moving one piece or the other when they overlapped. It was far more precise than coordinates; the amount an object moves with a single coordinate increment is significantly larger than the tiny slivers you could do with the nudge tool.

    And they've already acknowledged this shouldn't have been left out, so hopefully it will be making a hasty return.
  3. N1NJ4 SEAN

    N1NJ4 SEAN Promethean

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    I fell out of reach forge. Not because i didn't like the forge, I just overall wasn't a big reach fan. For multiplayer that is. Still a great game. That does sound extremely useful.
  4. Thrillah24

    Thrillah24 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You are forgetting...

    Like stated previously, Halo 4 is amazing in every way, except for Custom Games/Forge. I really thought they were going to push this to the max, but it seems like they set it aside for Spartan Ops, and what ever else. Some main points I fell that should be reiterated, and some not even mentioned...

    - Bigger Forge Map
    There needs to be one map that is similar to Forge World in it's size, and map compatibility​
    - Halo Ball/Race Gametypes
    I haven't seen one person mention the loss of Halo Ball which is surprising to me seeing as how it is the epitome of mini games. Also, Race was Bungie's shining moment in forge. What happened there.​
    - More flood settings/More optimizations in general for custom games

    Please help to get these three main things going!!!
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    To fight against you for no apparent reason;

    Halo CE: £40 - includes campaign, multiplayer, x amount of game modes and customisability, x amount of maps
    Halo 2: £40 - includes campaign, vastly improved multiplayer, xbox live play, more game modes, more maps
    Halo 3: £40 - includes campaign, improved multiplayer experience, xbox 360 live play, more game modes, more maps, Forge mode, theatre mode
    Halo 3: ODST: £30 - Includes campaign, Halo 3 multiplayer, new firefight mode, Theatre mode
    Halo: Reach: £40 - Includes campaign, pointless multiplayer, firefight mode, improved Forge, less custom game options / modes, no decent maps.
    Halo 4: £40 - Includes improved campaign (over Reach), improved multiplayer, no firefight, far less customisable options, improved Forge in areas.

    Essentially... In the first three games. You got the old game included in the price you paid for the new game, with all the added extras to make up the price difference justifying why you're paying a new game price for an old game.
    When Halo: Reach comes into it, you're starting to take steps back, old things you could do, you can't anymore.
    Halo 4 is no exception to that. Albeit, the game has more features as a whole... but the game shouldn't have had to sacrifice options and features that it didn't need to. Especially since removing features can only harm a games credibility, not improve it.
  6. Blackout8SIX

    Blackout8SIX Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Don't know if anyone else has had this problem. I guess you can chalk this up as another problem in a long list of problems. I have four 2-way nodes (2 on Alpha, 2 on Bravo) on a map I'm working on. I've only used about 5,500 of my budget on Ravine. The teleports all work, but one of them has no light sticking up from it. I deleted that one and put a new one and the light appeared, but then one of the others is now not showing its light. Like I said, the teleports work, but why no light?
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    It's a prevalent issue but no specific cause has been identified yet.
  8. GodofRandom

    GodofRandom Forerunner

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    I started a map on Erosion. I'm not sure if this is all maps, but when testing in playing mode, I can't seem to pick up dropped weapons from Coliseum Walls when used as flooring unless they're laying at a very particular angle.
  9. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    is that at or very close to the bottom of the level where the soft kills come into effect? if not, nevermind. sounds like a crappy situation to be in though...
  10. AussieForger

    AussieForger Promethean

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    what about a lighting switch that can turn off all shadows, or being able to shadow certian pieces, this can some what be done by spawning blocks and stuff 1 sec into the game during the countdown but what about sliding doors like in star trek or something. Also a good idea would be to have a custom piece pallet where you can create your own piece and set the dimensions and or be able to turn pallet texture off on pieces so that they are just flat one colour. What do you all think?
  11. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    This doesn't mean you deserve anything. Sure, 343i gave it to you, but you don't have some kind of magical right to receive content the way you want it.

    Not saying that 343i did a good job; this is a cruddier game than Reach, given the situation.

    As for map count, just because I wanted to find out;

    Halo CE: 13 + 6 on computers
    Halo 2: 12 + 11 for DLC + 3 for computers
    Halo 3: 11 + 13 for DLC
    Halo Reach: 8 + 10 for DLC
    Halo 4: 10 + 9 DLC (including unreleased maps)
  12. Sinogard

    Sinogard Ancient
    Senior Member

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    an hour and a half later of reading this thread I stop short 3 pages early. I can't add anything the the thread other than my slight disappointment in some features missing in forge and magnets not being placed correctly, however I have made what I believe to be some of my best work yet in halo 4. I don't mind the terrain as I never use it. I miss prission Editting but I have gotten around it using magnets for XY and Z.

    Personally I am quite happy with forge just wishing I had a bigger object limit. My spawning systems are hard to do because of it.
  13. UneeQ

    UneeQ Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Want Re-sizable Blocks With new textures, and the option to turn dynamic lighting off and on for each piece and over all. that would solve many of my forging problems, then the 1 degree yaw movement is annoying none the less but is fixable(Forge by yourself).

    Edited by merge:

    Removing armor lock was good.
    But adding AA's was Awful, should of left em as equipment, like H3.
    #173 UneeQ, Jan 27, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2013
  14. Teancum

    Teancum Promethean

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    I never got all the Armor Lock hate. As an armor lock user you're left stationary while people crowd around you waiting for you to pop out. I was sorely disappointed it wasn't in H4. But I'd concede that they should have left it out of matchmaking for the most part.
  15. AussieForger

    AussieForger Promethean

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  16. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Wish we could create custom sizes for blocks like little big planet and select our textures. An option to turn dynamic lighting off or on for each forge canvas would be nice too.
    #176 WAR, Jan 28, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013
  17. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is a file format problem. They might not be able to fix it without invalidating all map variants created to date. IIRC Bungie faced a similar issue during Halo 3's lifetime.

    Not to toot my own horn, but I wouldn't want anyone else to go to all the trouble when this has already been done... :\

    Can't happen. Havoc limitation -- can't scale physics meshes. See Q/A 15.

    Set a piece to not be placed at start, and spawn after a 2-second delay. The piece will spawn during the ten-second wait incurred by the Initial Loadout Camera, without the dynamic "lighting" (actually shadowing) applied to it.
  18. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    This is a faulty way of doing it. People who join in progress still generate lighting.
  19. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    someone mentioned switches, and i've heard that echo'd in other threads...

    if we just had this one thing [SWITCHES] it would take this game into the atmosphere as far as possibilities of innovation.

    think about it. a switch could be triggered by melee'ing it, and it could be tied to any number of things which are settings on the map, on pieces, etc.

    Hit a switch..

    -light despawns
    -shield despawns
    -object spawns
    -gravity effect of a trait zone changed
    -color of an object changed
    -explosives set off
    -other boobie traps

    the possibilities are endless. sure, we've figured out how to do some of this stuff in a round about way, but with a true switch that could be tied to almost anything, just imagine!!!
  20. Teancum

    Teancum Promethean

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    I'm not even worried about interactivity. It's cool, but it's not really Halo multiplayer's thing. I just want palettes that match the map, and maps that don't suck *cough*Erosion*cough*. Well, that and a Forging space that's got a decent size terrain. Ravine's could have been sufficient if they didn't have that awful Forerunner 'tunnel' thing right down the middle of it.

    Honestly, give me a good palette, something like Blood Gulch's Forging area and a decent budget and most people would find a way to be happy.


    As far as buttons and the like that's something I see more for Halo 5 as it's a major feature.
    #180 Teancum, Jan 28, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013

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