I have a new version of Warlock up with small changes and bugfixes. You might want to update the one in this pack. *Original thread* Also, I finished my Foundation remake, Stratum. It can be found *here*.
Did you finally include the Gravity Volumes to simulate portal flow? If you didn't then you need to check that out.
You can use Gravity Volumes in your level. Look at my version of your level for a reference. GT: xxDJBxx Basically Gravity Volume change gravity when you're in them. It only changes gravity when you aren't on the ground. (IE: Air) You can use this to your advantage to simulate automated gravity lift bending. [AGLS]
Hmm, I just tried it out, but I can't say I really care for it. It makes it so if you jump in that general area, you will get pushed back too, even if you're not jumping in the lift. I see the purpose of it, I just thinking it has more of a negative effect than it's worth.