X-chamber is a map that is for really close quarters combat. It is a circular shape and has only close range weapons, with the exception of the Sentinel Beam. There are no vehicles and it is used with any FFA slayer variant. I recommend Paintball for it, as it is very fun with it. Me and my brother have had a lot of fun on this map, and I hope you all feel the same! Overview, without the ceiling Sword location In-game shot One of 4 armories Download X-chamber Download Paintball (Not mine)
you might want to make the walls higher, its really easy to grenade jump out. also, the wall, doubles aren't lined up. i dont know if you care, but it will eventually cost you some DLs
Um well it looks like a cool idea but I'm sure people will tell you to change a few things. Interlocking and other little tricks can be used to make your map stand out. You can learn all of these at Forging 101. Also from the pictures it seems you only have a few spawn points. On a smaller map like this you will need a bunch more so that there isn't any camping. You might have added others that I just can't see tho. Its a good start but I think it needs a little work. Keep it up and happy forging!
I am going to make a second version of this and I will probably use a lot more interlocking and include more respawn points. Thanks for the feedback!
looks really simple, i reccomend spreading weapons out more in some spots, and making the walls taller, as stated before
you could always just make a ceiling. that would solve grenade jumping without having to make the walls higher, and it would add to the close quarters feel
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that the picture is without the ceiling, it has boxes on top of it all. Sorry about that.
Hey Dragon dude. You might want to rid of your armoury. I know it sounds cool, but its actually not very functional in competitive style maps. This may need to move to causal maps. Also..fix the spawn points to reduce camping.
looks like a pretty good map, but it dont like the idea of armories. Whoever controlls it wins the game
I realize what you are going for with the whole CQC thing... but the use of straight double walls just makes it so you can see your opponent far easier which, more times than not, leads to preemptive shooting, something that shouldnt be found in maps such as this my advice to you is to make a disorienting maze that leads to the center of the circle where the sword spawns, furthermore, since your map is quite small, spawn points should be seperated by at least two turns from another opponent. What i mean by this is... say person A spawns, it would take person B at least two long turns to get to where person A is, or at least 2-3 seconds of running... that way spawn killing'll be reduced... if the map was bigger, itd benefit from the fact that spawn points could be spread about rather than being clustered together... so that brings me to my second point, if you deem fit... and it were possible... you should make the map bigger... spread the circle about... you have plenty more building material to do so, and if it were a maze as mentioned above, it'd still have the core gameplay mechanic of your original map anywho, that is all -Sarge P.S. I agree with the guy above... in a map such as this, there shouldn't be armories... either get rid of em altogether or spread the weapons around...the former option would most certainly work best
hmm.. looks like an ok layout for 1v1, but you really need to seperate out the weapons and a shotgun on this map would be really overpowering.
Wow, longest answer I have ever seen for a map. Thanks, I think I will do that in the second version. I like the maze idea, but I am not exactly sure how to do it. I want to keep the gameplay the same basic style, but I want it to be enjoyable. Maybe I'll figure it out.... I really apperciate the feedback, ForgeHub is a lot better than Bungie.net, where all I get is "Great map!" or "I'll check it out."
well it doesn't necessarily needta be a maze... it could be the same format of a map like a circle... and have long double-wall hallways... then after you do that... you interlock regular walls and fence walls into the double walls at odd angles and whatnot to make it a zigzag typa thing so that if you're walking through you constantly haveta check your corners... its something I've been working on for a while and could definitely help your map if you decide not to go the "maze route"
I have two designs, but I do not know which one I should use. One is the original design and the other consists of four triangles, spread equally in the map and they have a little hallway in through the side of them, like this... Please tell me which one you people would prefer, so I can make the best map I possibly can.
Yeah, I plan to change that in the second version. Please look at the post above yours and tell me which design looks better for my second version.