This map was inspired by the Halo 1 Map Infinity. With the maps of Halo 4 taking a larger approach, I decided to create a Big Map that focuses on Team Slayer, and Team Objective Games. This map features 3 MAIN Levels: 1. The Ground Level: The most common level you'll play on, this is where most of the action will take place. 2. The Air level: This is where you'll fight for some weapons, objectives, and map advantage points. As they say, the higher you are in comparison to your enemy, the better. (Mostly) 3. The Basement: This is where you'll find the big Power Weapons. I DO NOT feature the SAW, ANYWHERE on my map, because its a stupid gun. This maps features Initial Ordinance Drops. At the start of the match, each team will be able to collect: x1 Sniper Rifle [Air Level] x3 Plasma Grenades [Ground Level] x1 Shotgun [Ground Level] The Neutral Initial Weapon Drops are: x1 Incinerator Cannon [Basement Level] x1 Sticky Detonator [Air Level] Each Team's Vehicles: x1 Mongoose [30s Respawn] x1 Ghost [60s Respawn] x1 Default Warthog [75s Respawn] x1 Banshee [120s Respawn] x1 Tank [145s Respawn] The Screenshots: Spoiler Blue Base: Spoiler Red Base: More Screens: Would Love Opinions. Credit to v3n3 for the Screenshot Extractor, without him, ******ty phone camera versions would be there instead. Optimal players is most likely 6v6, but supports 8v8, 7v7, 6v6, 5v5, 4v4, 3v3, 2v2, 1v1, FFA. Supports CTF, Slayer, KoTH, Oddball, Regicide, and Flood. I don't care if you modify the Map, but if you do PLEASE send me a PM/Message and Link to your version. Download: GT: xxDJBxx Map = Ravit12 Hit Start -> D-Pad Down to Settings & Files -> Navigate and Select File Browser -> Map Variants -> File Share Search -> GamerTag = xxDJBxx Download Ravit12
Damn, if you didn't beat me to the first map between the rocks. Seems interesting, I'm gonna have to take a look just for my own sake of seeing if I did a better job than you . Out of curiosity, did you find it difficult to deal with the natural curve of the layout here. Cause I spent hours battling it.