I know, I was making a joke about you making a joke. Anyway, been farming bnk-3r for 2 days now and he's not dropping the ***** smg Up to 16 mill though
Just to let you know, enemies won't scale to your level until you beat the second playthrough. So even if you're level 50, the loot enemies drop will still be leveled to whatever the level of the enemy is in whatever area you are in (and boy do they scale when you've beaten that second playthrough).
Yeah, I sold it.... I had that gun and a shield that made you move super slow, I put them both on at the same time and I was moving at maybe .25 ft/s
Trying to 100% this game before H4. All I need is the Challenges achievement (boring as hell, saving for last) and the character action skill achievements. It's weird how varied the requirements are for the latter. Siren: Phaselock 100 enemies. (I got it at lvl 8) Commando: Kill 100 enemies with the turret. (lvl 12) Gunzerker: Gunzerk continuously for 90 seconds. (lvl 23) Assassin: Remain in Deception for 10 seconds straight. (Not yet achieved. You have to get to lvl 31 to unlock Many Must Fall in order to get it legitimately.) Wtf.
To be fair, none of those are that difficult. Other thank requiring you to get to level 31, the Assassin's achievement is just as easy; you just have to kill twice to be able to get a long enough timer.
Yeah, I meant they greatly vary in the time it takes to be able to get them. Thankfully, you can just jump around in the back of a Bandit Technical to get the Assassin one. Zero is my least favorite character by far.
That sounds sick. I love Borderlands 2, I wish I had more time to enjoy it before Halo 4 came out because I know that Halo will take all of my free time now. Maybe I'll jump back and get this DLC though.
for some reason I havent been excited for any of the dlc yet, I hope they do bring one out that does, but the way it looks I'm glad I didnt buy a season pass along with my copy.
The DLC was pretty short, we already killed the Raid Boss and completed all of the side quests in < 6 hours. Honestly this was no where near as good as the last DLC. Sure, it had its share of "Borderlands" moments, but damn.. Also, why the **** did the raid boss drop Seraph Crystals? I want Torgue Tokens, damn it! Here's the video of the fight- it's lame after 3 minutes because from there on in I'm just standing at a door, but there's a link to how to do the glitch on an annotation incase you too want to win with minimal effort. Borderlands 2 Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Raid Boss 2 people (with Res Glitch) - YouTube
So Borderlands 2 won Shooter of the Year at the VGAs. Probably one of the only awards they've given out that I'll ever agree with.
It also won best multiplayer. Considering it's "multiplayer" is just co-op I don't know about that one.
I never cared for the VGA's, so that fact is pretty irrelevant to me. Everything I have seen leads me to believe that the campaign dlc out already arent really worth getting, I honestly just want a lvl cap increase and a character that plays closer to the way I do than the Mechromancer does. I'd probably be interested in a dlc if i took place on either the moon or the hyperion orbital station.