I have no idea but why would they put weapons into forge if you couldn't spawn them onto your map?? If anyone knows how to spawn weapons without ordnance drops please help/show me cause i'm completely lost. Thanks
You can use ordinance drops just like normal weapon spawns. initial ordinance drops can respawn I believe, and you can set the timer on it. Random ones you can also set the respawn and only set one weapon.
You can place regular weapons on the map. They just only show up in custom gametypes. Slayer Pro has no weapons on the map. If you're feeling lazy, I have a Team Slayer variant that allows weapons on the map with classic scoring. Search my gamertag "thesilencebrokn"
Yes but you also cannot set the clip size on the weapon that drops, That is the real issue. I'm trying to make my map MLG The Pit Remake and I can't finish it because of this issue.. Hopefully this problem gets fixed because it's not Halo without the original weapon spawning. If this works your my hero
It deffinitally just worked so that means I could possibly play test my new map here in a little bit. So excited! DD
I thought I'd also mention while you guys are on the subject that initial and random weapon drops don't cost anything out of your forge budget which is pretty cool if things are getting tight.
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