Ok guys fisrt off i know i should have posted this in the forging 101 in interlocking.But this would be helpful to new members making a map and im sure they wont be looking around the 30th page to find this.So lock if you must but its worth a try. Fisrt to make a perfect interlock you will need a line up marker.You can use anything that has a flat side and is an immovable object.In this case I will be using a wall. 1.Place whatever object you are interlocking wherever it is needed.(If you dont already know how to interlock then put the place as start to: NO then put the respawn time to 180) 2.Spawn a wall or fence wall and place it next to the box packed tight so theres no room in between each.Try to put the middle of the wall at the end of the object so you have enough space to interlock your next object. 3.Start a new round.Go to where the wall is and then spawn whatever it is that you are interlocking.Now put the object packed to wall like you did with the other object. 4.Now press X and put the run time minimum of the object that is at place at start no to the placed on map number which will make it respawn. ANd there you go . I hoped this help new people because im sure many of us do this already. Kapura's "Percision" Interlocking 1: I turn a DOUBLE or SINGLE box SIDEWAYS 2: I place one of my soon to be interlocked single/double boxes so that one of the lines on the SIDEWAYS BOX lines up with a reference point on the INTERLOCK BOX 1 (usually the black line near the end). 3: I set IB1 to a delayed spawn 4: New Round 5: I go find SIDEWAYS BOX 6: I spawn INTERLOCK BOX 2 on the opposite side of reference point from IB1, then align the same reference point on IB2 to the same reference point on SIDEWAYS as I did IB2 7: Wait, de-delay, winsauce. The result is boxes that almost seem to be the same bit of geometry: You also need a good eye for judging the equalities, but it's fast and accurate, and it makes flawless floors. Also
I don't need this, but this should be really helpful to newer forgers! I've explained a lot to newer members on interlocking techniques and it was starting to get annoying, hopefully this gets noticed.
That doesnt make that great of an interlock, usually a better interlock uses very little 'in between space' between them, for instance to make long walls you want to use your DBs as effectively as possible. I usually also use a Double Box to interlock everything, because its flat side has both guides you can use, its easier to place straight, and its more sturdy. Though this has pictures, so thats good for the noobs...
I kinda figured this out my self but i personnelly prefer interlocking by looking at the little white respawn thing...
this looks like it could improve the newer members interlocking. but i like using doubleboxes. but you could use a wall, fence box etc. instead if you wanted
I knew this already, but it should be helpful for newer members that don't know many of the nuances that seperate a noob from a pro, such as tricks like these.
Wait, could this be helpful for new members? I never heard that before!!! [/lol] But, really, it is helpful. I knew it, though. But, what about angled interlocks? I put weapon holders on the edges of the boxes, marking where the other box needs to pass through. It works well.
Well it helps you understand more about forging and using new ideas.Also by making your maps looks neater and better
I know that... it was a very obvious sarcastic joke. Every person that posted in this thread had said it would be useful for new members, so it was sarcasm. And, yes, it is helpful. But still, what about angled interlocks?
I usually just use boxes because walls can get tilted sometimes and could mess it up. Boxes are always perpendicular to the floor.