Because there WILL be community maps just not as many as Reach. But why they made and added their own maps on disc may always be a mystery.
One of the things I loved most about Reach BTB was that anytime I played I knew I had the chance of playing on a shitty forge map that I had never played before. It really made me enjoy the experience. Definitely look upon that aspect very fondly. Examples of forge maps for people new to forge?
The addition of one or two maps into matchmaking would do wonders for the variety. You can get sick of maps much quicker when you're only limited to a small handful.
yes but the idea of adding in maps simply for variety can and probably will be overdone. It's a slippery slope
True. Very true. But at the least, I'd have thought Relay would be a perfect suit for most playlists.
Well.. Relay would do, but Ascent and Settler wouldn't. Relay is forged pretty good overall, and nice for some Inf Slayer. Ascent, one team starts at the bottom, one at the top. Overall the top team has the advantage. It doesnt really play out that well. Settler doesnt look aesthetically pleasing at all, they tend to call it Hemmorhage or, if you will, blood gulch 2.0. But its way to small for that and works differently.
Operator or Wetwork? I just hit SR50 and I'm in a dilemma over which specialisation to pick. edit: Nevermind, went for Wetwork.
can someone explain this to me, do we unlock the other 6 specializations after we finish our first one/ 2? I think i might go for operator...what does wetwork do for you?
Even though someone mentioned 343i said the file share thing would take another month to get going....I notice any mention of that was conspicuously absent from the bulletin. That kinda annoys me. They went through every single aspect of the web, console, and smartphone application versions of their stat tracking but not a single "we're sorry a major aspect of our community interaction with our game is not up"
I found this to be hilarious. One of my CoD fanboy friends told me he thought halo4 had a much better multiplayer than blackop2. He then went on a rant about all of the things that pissed him off in halo4...... Pretty much everything they added to appeal to a gamer like him.
I'm really getting sick of the hating on the COD aspects. We get it, it's like call of duty. That doesn't make it bad.
This. There's a few confusing things. I'd personally like some more BTB variety. I'm getting tired of 8+ Ragnarok's in a row. (Even though with snipes I can go +25 or more)
So wait... while scanning the Bulletin, i noticed somenthing. "Team snipers will arrive next week and..." So ok, team snipers is coming. But it seems they are planning to release a new gametype every week. If so, faith in 343 increased!
I'm really getting sick of people bitching about other posts in this forum. Just ignore it. It's not that ****ing hard. It's dumbing the game down and making unnecessary changes that have no benefit whatsoever. Adding chaotic elements that only add excitement temporarily, but are a detriment to competitive balance. Custom Loadouts are the least of my worries at this point.
It really isnt, i cant believe they called it that. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Any now there is somenthing making me angry again! SWAT is added right? Well they are planning to do a new gametype every week! Thats great.. But read this (Directly citated) "Thousands of you have been enjoying SWAT – this week’s headshot-happy rotational hopper. So many, in fact, that we have decided to leave that playlist in for another week" So wait.. that means SWAT will eventually be removed again, and followed by Team Snipers? I dont get this, i really dont.
I disagree that the changes are unnecessary. Take for example the new takes on some classic Halo weapons: -For the first time ever I consider the Needler a powerful, legit weapon. -We're seeing the AR reasonably compete with the BR/DMR in certain fights. -The Mounted Turret is not only useful, it's now quite powerful if used correctly. Or vehicles: -The Tank is no longer a track-mounted sniper. -The Banshee isn't a flipping, spinning, untargetable death machine. -The Rocket Hog can actually kill people. Or gametypes/weapon spawns: -Oddball is now hilariously fun. Tossing the ball back and forth is just as legit as the old corner camping goodness. -Regicide allows for differing skill levels to still have a chance. -The revamped CTF is a blast. And I no longer have to flag juggle cross-map. (Which always annoyed me) -Random weapon spawns reduce weapon spawn camping, which always annoyed me. -New mid-grade power weapons add more flavor to gameplay instead of just "DMR v. Rocket". -Instant spawn in NON-COMPETITIVE pug mode is nice. (Should be able to turn off for comp) Or Level Design: -Much much MUCH MUCH MUCH better than Reach. -Ragnarok still plays fun (Those who ***** about the Mantis, Plasma pistol loadout) -Meltdown is a VERY nice BTB map. -Vortex is cool -Exile is fun, even if the sight lanes are a little whack occasionally. -Complex is weird, but I get good matches. -Solace is awesome for objective. -Adrift is moderately meh, but still fun. (AR central) -Haven is the best sym map ever. (Replaces Countdown in my heart) We can be annoyed by the bugs all day. But H4 is really an improvement over previous series installments. And remember, this is 343i's first MAJOR title. As it is Certain Affinity's first IN-HOUSE Forge. (Previous iterations were 100% Bungie in-house) They're learning quick and trying DAMN hard to live up to one of the toughest and best FPS series ever conceived. Credit where credit is due now, Halo 4 is my new Warcrack.
It seems like it. But for gametypes? Leading out of this thread, SWAT will be removed when Team Snipers comes in, to take its place. We will have more custom gametypes eventually, but this doesnt really make sense to me. Removing SWAT again? I mean comon.. And the next gametype is probally going to be Extraction since that has not its own playlist. Still, if they keep on going with doing this, i think we might eventually later on expect gametypes such as Race again, just not in MM. I still have hope, it seems the community is doing a great job correcting 343, in fact i never lost hope, i eventually see everything flowing in the game again. That is my main hope for this game.