Been working on a something on Ravine for a few days now. It's not gonna blow anyone's mind away, and it's still VERY rough around the edges, but its a nice venture back into Forge since I took an extended leave a couple years ago. Everything needs a lot of work still. But I think this could be pretty fun. CTF, KotH, Infinity Slayer at least, if not more. Descent Preview 1 - YouTube
I like the look of this one, particularly the bridge that covers 343's random "cut-out" piece of terrain. Also pleased you didn't use any pre-made buildings. If you ever need testers for this feel free to add me.
I have to say, I'm very impressed. I spent a good portion of last night trying to make something happen on Ravine. (I eventually started something with the cliffs, but quickly found them too small.) The fact that you've actually managed to work with 343's terrible terrain, and use it awesomely, is amazing.
Looks snazzy for the most part. The center areas seem very open, even for Sprint, and the bases look pretty plain and open within themselves. I suppose the latter is a result of our limited time with the h4 forge textures.
Great maps are less about the structures you build, and more about the space surrounding them. Not that this is a great map, but hopefully it will be good, at least.
I'm loving the looks of this. The design looks original and like Blaze said it reminds me of some forging maps we seen in H3. Hows this play with 4v4 is it slow gameplay or fast? I'm assuming a bit slow due to how large it looks. I may be wrong though, I most likely am.
It needs more work before it'll be ready for some games, so I have no idea how it'll fare with 4v4. I don't have a ton of time to dedicate to forge these days, so its a slow process. Hopefully I'll have something ready to test early next week.
I assume you're speaking about my latter statement? I do really think that the map needs more structure in the middle..
Don't really need to; the video makes the center area seem very open. Scaling, too. Please tell me if I'm wrong.
Yeah, Now that I think about it I don't remember much if ny forging from you in reach. And so does this game though.