Does anyone else find this map unworkable because of the dark shadows? Place down a 2 story UNSC base anywhere and look at how dark it is. One person labeled a lighting glitch as a poop shadow. Well Impacts lighting system as a whole is a poop shadow. It's a shame cause impact has the best map-specific objects. Too bad you can't see what your playing in. Lights don't even help that much. Thoughts? the lighting system should just be less drastic if at all possible. Shadows are just so...poopy.
I agree with you. Maps on Impact can get excessively dark very easily. I haven't forged yet on Erosion, but I messed around on it for a second and it seems even darker lol. But I don't think the lighting is map breaking on Impact really. Maybe try using more of the objects with windows to let more light in or something. And yes, the shadows look horrible sometimes too.
You need to remember, as soon as you go over 6k Budget used up the dynamic lighting stops and there are no more shadows.
I'm at almost 8000, been up to 9000 on my map I'm working on right now, and always had shadows. I haven't had any of the shadow glitching problems some people talk about yet, or had dynamic lighting turn off either. I think that must only happen when people build stuff in some certain way. I don't think its budget or particular objects causing it. I'm thinking it must be something more like where the objects are in relation to each other and/or the map.