
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Psychoduck, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
    Senior Member

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    I personally experienced a lighting issue while building my Narrows remake, I found it was from a higher budget and I replaced a piece on my map that already existed from prior saves and used a duplicated object from the map to replace it. What I found was that the new piece in that pre shade rendered area was brightly lit without any shadow on it like the rest of the sniper area. I tried many times to fix it and even made the piece fresh from the list. I found that when I saved it and reloaded the map everything shaded properly. Your maps shouldn't have an issue once you reload them, although I built mine on Ravine and not Erosion. Hope this helps.
  2. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    Any chance anybody can cap a screenshot or a video of the 'poop-shadow'? I've got a decent idea what to expect, but I'm curious just how bad it looks. And does it persist after save/load? As much as it's an annoying glitch, it could be useful for something if it's reliable.
  3. Deniedoath

    Deniedoath Forerunner

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    That is only what the objects look like as it initially disables dynamic lighting. reload your map and all forge pieces revert back to reaches object lighting/shading.
    #23 Deniedoath, Nov 13, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2012
  4. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I could capture a film of the poop-shadow I suppose.

    it does persist after saving and quitting.
  5. Morepork

    Morepork Forerunner

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    I have maxed out my budget on impact using almost entirely Station pieces and haven't had this issue. Strange.
  6. Jbn0s0rus

    Jbn0s0rus Forerunner

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    We need to find a way to restore dynamic lights.

    I also have glitched shadows on my map: shadows disappeard the game doesn't want to calculate them anymore. From a distance there are no shadows at all, but when you get reaaally close to an object, previously processed shadows appear. It's like having 1% of the map's shadows, and they're only aroud you.

    I have around 4000/3500$ left, no more wall/windows/doors, about 50 decorative/building blocks/impact blocks (yes the map is on impact) and about 30 inclines left.

    And the map is almost done. :/
  7. Deniedoath

    Deniedoath Forerunner

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    My best advice is stay away from decorative pieces. I recently just finished a map on erosion. budget came to around 8500, and dynamic lighting was spared. It took a lot of testing; figuring out which objects count towards this what seems to be arbitrary limit on objects 343 has set. I've found that 1 decorative piece can equal 3 generic building block pieces in terms of triggering the dynamic lighting to stop generating. Some decorative pieces don't count towards the limit as much, though. So basically try to replace your decorative pieces with building block objects if you can. Also -- Brace larges, large walkway covers, and long railings seem to be some of the biggest perpetrators to this limit.
  8. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Exactly the same problem here folks. Get near it, it renders. Otherwise bright sunshine everywhere. Its ruined my map
  9. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I also noticed that light shines through walls...
  10. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    I've finished a map on Impact, and never ran into this problem. Has anyone figured out how to force it 100% of the time?

    I did run into a problem on Erosion where light and shadows generate as they're supposed to, but seemingly random pieces are lit super golden shiny bright, almost as if they're their own light sources. Anyone else seen this?
  11. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Promethean

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    It is unfortunate that the dynamic lighting has become more of a hindrance than benefit for many Forgers. Like WaterfallNinja said- having to worry about both framedrops AND poop-shadow is ridiculous, not to mention it seems to occur before framerate drops would typically start happening.

    Also, I found this amusing:

    >Psychoduck: Says it will be, "...henceforth known as light-derping."
    >>Immediately gets called poop-shadow instead.
  12. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    why do we even need dynamic lights? timesplitters has no dynamic lights, and the lightsettings options are still way better than in halo 4. and it is 7 years old.
  13. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Because although the Timesplitters editor was super amazing, the options for pieces weren't that great, as all were very basic prefab hallways and corridors.
  14. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah, timesplitters mapmaker wasn't good for detailling maps. but I find that a good lightsetting adds more to the map than any amount of details I could add with far cry 2 editor for example. I noticed most people don't seem to care about lights, but it makes the difference between a bland map and an immersive one.

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