very few maps are remade often enough to have a jewel among them (construct, guardian, etc) but often times, If you want a good remake, you usually have to mod a pre-existing one. (i'm still looking for a good sidewinder and death island remake) If you would like, I can give you a good list of excellent remake maps (both game-play wise and aesthetically) *note, every one looks for different things in a remake, few are universally agreed upon as all-around amazing maps, your best bet is to look for any maps you can find, and narrow it down (if you have the originals, you can use those for comparison, otherwise internet pics are helpful) Also, A list of what I personally consider the best (i'm sure that I missed a few) Longest Construct Guardian Zanzibar/Last Resort Cold Storage Elongation Lockout Rat Race Hematoma Colossus Terminal Narrows Citadel Epilogue The Pit Turf Isolation Bloodgulch
Those are all for Reach, this is Halo 4 we are talking about. Which is a whole new monster. This is the reason Foundation wasn't included in the video. I look forward to your maps, quality stuff man.
What he's saying, is that all those maps could be remade in Halo 4 to be exactly the same as they are in Reach, as the forge object palette is the same.
It would be incredibly difficult to remake rat race without precision edits. Or at least you couldn't get the nice corners I made.
Oh! Well I hope actual map creators see this and take notes. I'm certainly no creator, just a collector / fan / youtuber!
You can still precision edit. Grab an object, then change you camera angle so you're looking at it from above (looking straight down at the ground). Now just move it like normal.
Not possible for larger pieces, not possible indoors when you have a low ceiling, not possible for height adjusting. No, we can't still precision edit, working accurate in halo 3 is almost as hard as it was in halo 3 OT: I didn't look at the maps and I sure wont look at a map that came out one week after the game. It's a great idea that you collected the maps, it's not a good idea that you changed the descriptions and added advertising, we both know that you didn't do that to help the creator out.
Oh, don't give me wrong, I realize it's NOWHERE near as good as it was in Reach, was just pointing out that it's still possible to an extent, in case you didn't know
Might I say that these are the most AMAZING remakes I've ever seen in my Halo career. ._. CONGRATS TO ALL. <3
I can speak for Jed05 on the issue of his advertising and file sharing. He had used my Narrows Remake and graciously recorded it and added it to his Remakes collection. Anyone who forges a remake, forges them to be able to share with the community with as many people as they can. We worked hard on those maps and whether some are good and some are really bad, keep in mind that this is literally the first week Halo 4 has been around to even get to forge on. There will be bad, good and possibly even amazing remakes from the very beginning. I know that the Youtube video is recorded in a pretty good quality and it had over 2,400 views in less than 24 hours. If any of the other creators of the maps he included are upset that he is showcasing their maps than they shouldn't have put them on their fileshare. You would be quite unintelligent to want to forge a remake and not want to share it with anyone else, but yourself. What would be the point? If you wanna just look at an old map for memories, than goto youtube. I don't know Jed05, but he took the time to find the creators and let them know he shared them, along with make a video and share them on other forums, for even greater exposure for the map builders. I don't know about you, but I don't want to type in everyones GT to find their maps, so the fact that he put them all in one place actually is pretty cool. (Thanks for your hard work Jed05, don't let the trolls stop you from doing good deeds)
not trolls, but legitimate concerns the remakes here are ok, but there can be improvements If you are wise, you will take these critiques and use them to further refine your map, which is what forge hub is for.
Awww thanks, that means a lot and THANK YOU for such great maps. Yes, some of these aren't the best and I've already found better'll be hearing about them soon!
Dude, come now. You can't call my Guardian map out for "scaling issues" and then present that in your video. That remake is so off it's not even funny.
Good but Waiting While these are pretty good, I am going to wait and download the winners for the Forgotten Treasures III competition. Let the guild put these maps through their paces.
I agree that TheSilenceBroken's Guardian is pretty good and the spawns behave like Halo 3's primarily. I do feel that the map feels a bit more open on his remake on the s2 to s3 side than the original, which makes gameplay unbalanced when trying to lockdown that side. It is a great remake though, but TSB please delete all of the rocks underneath and unseen art on the map along with fusion coils and add the top mid floating roof. It would look a lot better to see the roof as opposed to rocks below the map and fusion coils. It played awesome though.
the rocks underneath are to hide the unsightly merging of pieces, the fusion coils are all placed as they were in the actual map, and the roof was originally there, but it cast dark shadows over most of the map, murdering the dynamic lighting and making the map seem dull.