Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by J4G3RM31ST3R, Nov 11, 2012.

  1. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    Remake of the Counter Strike Source Map FY_Iceworld intended to be a 4v4 map
    I have placed the weapons in a fight yard style. also made a Custom Gametype 1 life per round. 10 rounds total, no radar, no armor abilities (Jet-Pack/Promethean vision break the map)


    here is a top down view of cs version for comparison
    #1 J4G3RM31ST3R, Nov 11, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    it looks like you've put a lot of effort into this map.
    i am looking forward to playtesting it!
  3. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    thanks! I look forward to play testing it myself, I've done the basic weapon placement. which is subject to change during the playtests for obvious reasons. the floor has been replaced with 4x4 blocks (doesn't look the best but I find that the clear floor is too distracting) will update with screens soon.. adding spawns for slayer pro.

    Edited by merge:

    alright I did a few finishing touches and the map is ready to test out!
    anyone who wants to try it out add/message me on XBL, gamertag: J4G3RM31ST3R
    #3 J4G3RM31ST3R, Nov 11, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2012
  4. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks like Ice World. Aka, a box.

    Great job. Is there a custom gametype going with this with CS-like settings?
  5. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    thanks for your interest in the map! yeah I've been working on the game type, I'm thinking 1 life per round, 10 rounds(10 is max). that way it has the counter strike feel to it, you will end up spectating unless your the last man standing, but rounds are typically short, there is nowhere to run and hide. so waiting wont be a problem I'd think. more than 1 life per round would screw things up, IE spawn camping, power weapon stacking. everyone spawning at the same time ensures the matches turn out fair.
    #5 J4G3RM31ST3R, Nov 12, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2012
  6. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure if i'm missing something...
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    We are unimpressed in your creativity and ambition. While it does resemble Ice World, it does not exactly resemble the CS map. Seeing as it is so basic, small, and rather devoid of detail, we imagine it not to be too difficult a task. With so much extra budget/peices, one would also have imagined that you could have done something more interesting with aesthetics or a weapon rack system. Overall, yes, you made Ice World. Nice job. You have made an something in Counter Strike that is basically a slightly more complex Octagon. It may interest some, but we are not among them.

    To make us more interested, make an original design, or remake a more complex map. Following CS, maybe try Italy or Office or Dust. They are all far superior to Ice World in every respect.

    Apparently, we are legion.. fun.

    Best of luck in your forging endeavors.
  8. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How about a rocket launcher?

    This should be more of a casual map with there being no differentiation in height. The map is completely flat, which means that gameplay could get boring after awhile.

    I think you might run into the problem that seeing as the map is way too simplistic, players who play competitively will realize that the map lacks certain aspects of a more complex map that can provide the player with different gameplay scenarios, which makes for more exciting gameplay.

    I'm going to have to agree with Audience when he says "remake another map from css".

    I'm pretty sure there are other maps that can provide real competitive players with a real competitive experience.

    You did, however, do a nice job of remaking the map.
    #8 Eightball, Nov 12, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2012
  9. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    I am unimpressed by your typical trolling and arrogance. I said I was "new here" which means I'm not an Uber l33t halo3/reach forge master. I set out to make a simple map, which did in fact take 10+ hours, learning how to use the forge system for the first time, perfectly aligned all the objects manually editing the coordinates to make sure they are symmetrical on both sides and to properly scale of the CS version. this was actually the third time I tried to make iceworld, first tried on impact, then griffball arena, finally decided that ravine would best suit the map. I challenge you to make a better Iceworld, if you do make a better one I would play it.

    I'll put a rocket launcher mid see how it works out, I'm having issues with the weapon drops in custom gametypes though so it appears I might have to change them all to ordinance drops. I might consider doing another remake like Iceworld Arena that way there are two floors, making the combat a bit more complex and competitive, of course building upon what I have already made. I'm not up for the challenge of doing a De_Dust Remake. derelict or prisoner from halo 1 are definite possibilities though.
    #9 J4G3RM31ST3R, Nov 12, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2012
  10. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    it is an ok first effort, but I can easily see that map playing terribly, esp. with the large amount of guns
  11. IamMKB

    IamMKB Promethean

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    If you've ever played 16 Man Tournament on Reach or Halo 3, you could do something along the lines of that. After so long, something spawns in the middle to close it off, on the sides something spawns a second level and ramp to said second level. And, then finish it off with being on top of the four middle pieces with a sniper on each one or something.

    I like it though. Played something like it on Crossfire a lot with my old PC gaming clan.
  12. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    the variety of guns is what makes iceworld play like iceworld, I'm open to suggestion for the weapons because there obviously has to be some sort of balance.

    yeah iceworld is originally just a practice map, to familiarize yourself with all the weapons, practice aiming and whatnot. I like the idea of an iceworld arena, that would be better suited for halo's arena style gameplay. there would be a ramp behind the spawn of each side, leading to the upper floor, there is a large opening in the middle of the upper floor where you can snipe people on the lower floor, but also have to worry about being flanked by people coming up the ramps.


    Sniper Area:

    let me know what you guys think about turning it into 2 story arena.

    #12 J4G3RM31ST3R, Nov 12, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2012
  13. IamMKB

    IamMKB Promethean

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    I'd gladly play test this map.
  14. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    will send an add on xbl
  15. IamMKB

    IamMKB Promethean

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    Needs a custom gametype to balance the gameplay.
    No jetpack.
    1 life for sure
    My 16 man tournament idea.
    Better spawns. I beat you 60-1 because I could spawn camp really hard.
  16. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    Yeah there's definitely an issue there. binary rifle spawn camp. I was loling.. custom gametype with 1 life fixes the spawn camping, but brings forth another issue, there is no way to bring the weapons in without making them ordinance drops, which puts A TON of waypoints all over the screen. but I'm gonna go ahead and implement the custom gametype and make every weapon on the map an ordinance drop that way its playable and not broken. there will be a total of 37 waypoint's though hopefully it doesn't lag the game.
  17. IamMKB

    IamMKB Promethean

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    The ordinance drops have to go.
  18. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    unfortunately there is no way to use standard weapon spawns in slayer pro, or any gametype that's custom, the only way around it atm is initial ordinance drops. hopefully 343i releases a patch when the fileshare goes online.
  19. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes there is?
  20. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    if there is I haven't found one... and many others have the same issue.

    Edit: I was wrong. I found a solution, there is no possible way it would work in slayer pro standard or custom, but I found out by switching to infinity slayer custom gametype. the weapons now spawn. been able to keep the aspects of the CS gametype. just need to find out how to get rid of radar and its pretty much set!
    #20 J4G3RM31ST3R, Nov 13, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2012

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