Does anyone else think personal ordnance should be removed in MM, and regular ordnance become more frequent?
Just to warn everyone who hasn't already encountered it: save glitch returns. Always save as new map to be safe.
Just to warn everyone who hasn't already encountered it: The Cage returns. Always skip custom games to be safe. No, seriously, wtf with the multiple Cage remakes?
Has anyone managed to recreate the atrocious spawning along bottom corridor? If so then hats off to them, that's true dedication to bad forging.
Is there a way to change your ordinance? Everytime I get enough points for an ordinance in MM I always get newb weapons. Is there a way I can choose to always have an option of the sniper weapons?
Nope, they're randomised from a certain set, relative to each map and playlist. BTB games are more likely to give you top tier power weapons like Snipers and Rockets. You get Snipers every so often in 4v4 maps, but it's not too common.
once reaching level 50 you can use a specialisation that allows you to veto your ordnance drop in the hopes of getting a better one.
I shoulde have just gone with my plan today, forge further on my dominion map and maybe start building my campaign. But i just had to go in MM again, i dont know why but i went horrible, way below average and everything i usually do. And Infection was always one of my favorite gametypes, but i would almost say flood mode ruined it, mainly because of the thruster packs. You know everything is fine, until the flood starts flying. It pretty much goes like this. Survivor - Time to kill some newbs! Look at that flood guy, he is meters away! Flood guy - IM FIRIN MAH THRUSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR! Survivor - EH MA GERD! Boom, dead. New flood guy - They also hit while they are thrustering.. I will defenitly make my own flood mode for my campaign, but then again, the humans HAVE to be puke green, because apperently thats a lovely color for all the survivors.
Ok to solve the save issue I have an easy way to avoid it. Been following this method since Reach and never had a problem. Simply reload your map from the file browser each forging session and then you can 'save' rather than 'save as' without issue.
Bah, this is such crap. I can't complete this episode of SPOPs because the last remaining enemy has glitched himself out of the map. Edit: Managed to Jet Pack high enough so I could suicide and swap to Promethean Vision. Saw that a watcher had glitched into the ground and luckily a grenade got him.
So no online FS means no map posting under H4 map forums? For that long? :O Oh well we still got forge discussion for that
Boltshot is broken: Halo 4 Quick Tips: Boltshot Reload & Thruster Lift Glitch - YouTube Edit: Damn it Cluck, you always beat everyone to everything