Unless someone went out of their way and made them all their selves, there are none. At least no official ones.
You mean schematics for maps on disc? Aside from the occasional heatmap, you probably aren't going to find any 1:1 scale schematics of those maps. I drew a few for some maps in Halo 3, but I imagine they aren't the most accurate. If you mean custom designs, I might have some old ones you could have, if you'd like. Welcome to Forgehub.
I think he means like overviews of canvas maps and objects so he can like draw and plan out his map on them, not like using someone else's planned out map.
Thought I remember seeing a google sketch up file with all the reach forge pieces saved as blocks so you can move them around and copy/paste them to plan out ur maps a lot of the same pieces are in H4 but I doubt anyone has built the updated file yet...
Yup they're on my website: Reach Advanced Objects | MickRaider Maybe I'll update that for 4... They did have to change all the details though