Simple.. Just post the picture of your spartan every once in a while (from waypoint or screenshot), the more you upgrade your armor and show off how badass he/she looks Mine currently:
the white primary/visor color secondary does look pretty cool, but every game im in it seems like at least half of the people are using it.
My spartan's not updated on Waypoint, but I'm currently trying to pull off the best Iron Man I can (with the defender helmet)
Going to modify some things though Edited by merge: Green? What about legendary Nah, i like green very much, and some of the others too, but i cant come up with their name. I like yours and silentjackets one the most, and thesilencebroken.
The shoulders kinda disappoint me in the game though, they don't stand out as much as previous Halos. They're very small. But on the other hand, the helmets really stand out even in-game.
Wait.. how the hell are these pictures being automaticlly updated? Mine changed, like i just did on the xbox. (Badass armor eh?)