MLG arena V1 is a symmetrical that I built for warming up in MLG but it can be used with any slayer gametype. Best for 2v2 but can be played with 4v4 not recommended. On this map there are 2 maulers with no extra clips because they get abused to much, 2 snipers, 8 BR's and Carbines. This is just the first version of many please comment and tell me what i can do to make this a better map. TY MAP: PICS LVL 2 LVL 1 sorry this is my first time posting a map.
pics? you need to fix you pictures. load them from imageshack ro photobucket, not your C:\Documents and Settings\James\My Documents\My Pictures\
no, and why did u name it with MLG. is it supposed to b played with MLG settings. or r u planning on trying to get it into the hopper
Im not sure this is the most orignal.U might want to look at the forging 101.And think of more original ideas
I liked Sniper Pit's playability. It made me giggle. Anywho. Spawn killing looks like it would become brutal on this map, but for a first post, I think it looks fine. Just catch on to the fact that you need to merge anything and everything possible. People will appreciate your map a lot more if you give them minute details to look at and say, "Holy hell, that's good merging."
i dont know what sniper pit is, but this map looks way to generic ive seen a lot of maps that look like this.