We're disappointed with forge, now let's get 343 to hear us!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nondual, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    I am with pretty much all you say man.. I am pretty annoyed at 343 for pulling the rug from out of the custom communities feet. I think we should start a boycott on the map packs that they are going try to sell us. Unless we at least hear a response from 343 or see see them update the game options in a title update we should not stand for this. They removed half of the good game types. I don't see the price of the game bing cut in half? If the game was 25 dollars then I don't have a right to complain. Being that the game is full price, why are game types and options being omitted?

    I am not buying the map packs or any other 343 product unless I see them starting to address these obvious problems and fatal flaws. Spread the word on a boycott. We cannot and should not stand for this.
  2. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I don't think I have ever disagreed more with anything anyone has ever said on a forum before. Dynamic lighting is the most useful thing added to forge since co-ordnance manipulation. Lighting is one of the strongest tools EVERY level designer/forger has at their disposal. Saying this tool fails to impact forge in any way is frustratingly foolish. Anyone who designs levels for a living can tell you how much of an impact lighting has on the players perception of the environment around them. Don't discount the power of what you have been given, simply because you lack the know how to use it.

    I also fail to see how adding separate pallets (something just about every forger asked for, I can link to dozens of threads petitioning for it on request) was pointless as well. To me, this is just yet another case of the community not fully grasping the depth of what lies in front of them.
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    well said.

    i have no problem with the pieces, the lighting, or the maps at all.
    its the missing gametypes and glitches that i'd like to see patched.

    and honestly, its more likely that gametypes and glitches will be patched, rather than them listening to every single persons demands about how they each individually think the forge canvas should be.

    like i said in my first post, people have been trying to do that since H3.
    its not going to happen.
  4. Nondual

    Nondual Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I absolutely agree too. And it's good to see you say you think the gametypes and glitches will be patched. I'm not sure if 343 will give us some of my favorite gametype options form Halos past, so I intend on writing an in-depth list anyway, but that's my time to waste, lol.

    And about a better forging environment, don't you think it would be possible to get at least SOME sort of consensus on what an ideal map would be? It seems like if we could do that, there's at least SOME chance that 343 will give us another DLC forging environment . . . I might be wrong . . . About everything.
  5. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I was just been smartass to titmar showing him people really want a flatish not a flat map. (Yea people wanted a perfectly flat map, I even did in reach at first but you grow out of that pretty fast, I also wanted to fly a pelican in multiplayer but where not talking about pipe dreams)

    And realistically it's not to much of a ask to want a large blank flatish canvas to make whatever map we want on it.

    I don't have much else to say about your posts, I want the same type of maps you want, a flatish map like a hemmorage/paradiso(even that had more space to build on)/even the area above Colosseum would of been good or something new just with large open flatish area to build.

    But I don't think we will get it in halo 4 (maybe 5-6-7-8-9-10 however long it takes them to learn) Because there approach to forge is "Build some random intrusive piece of terrain" then think "This would be so cool to make stuff around in a map".
    You can tell from erosion that they built all those tunnels on map like "there will be so many sweet tunnel maps made on this" and on ravine all those random pieces of map everywhere thinking "Man gonna be so many cool maps built around these pieces like that ditch can be used as a bridge or something sweet idk but forgers will think of something amazing!!" (instead of just making it flatish so we can build whatever we want on it)

    Maybe that's just me gossiping and they didn't think that at all, But I know for a fact maps have tons of intrusive terrain and forwhatever reason they knew that it would be intrusive and decided to do that and keep it that way so forwhatever reason they decided to do that probably hasn't changed.

    And even if they bring out a amazing DLC forgeworld (i don't buy DLC so not my problem)
  6. Nondual

    Nondual Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol, nice man. Having a Pelican may indeed be just a dream. But I am a dreamer. And I choose to try and make the dream as amazing as possible. Better to light one match than curse the darkness as they say. Thanks for your feedback.
  7. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    First things first, hi Nondual - I don't know if you remember but I used to play customs with you and a bunch of great guys back in the Halo 3 days. I remember you always went the extra mile to create an atmosphere of respect and I'm glad that's translated here. Too many people are straight bitching about this game and it hasn't even been out for a week and I'm glad that someone is approaching the situation with a positive, constructive attitude. Nothing will get done if we just whine and boycott map packs (yeah right, that'll work).

    That being said, there are some pretty glaring flaws with Forge; I do agree that the loss of precision editing is a swift kick in the cojones to hardcore forgers and is a big step backwards. The magnet system is not the answer. The maps are also not ideal at first glane, but I think it's safe to say that Bungie spoiled us with Forge World and forgers aren't used to the restrictions (if you can call them that - the maps are pretty big, just not what everyone's used to) of Impact, Ravine and Erosion. Give it time and the best forgers use the maps we have to their full potential.

    HOWEVER: I understand this is a Forge thread, but don't you all think there are bigger problems with this game? Hear me out.

    Halo 4 is a fantastic game with some pretty bothersome glitches. Before we turn on 343 for changing up our beloved Forge, shouldn't we first bring **** like this to their attention?

    The "super throw" glitch:
    Quick Tips: Super Throw Glitch! - YouTube

    Map collision issues:
    Halo 4 - GLITCH How To Get Inside RAGNAROK - YouTube

    ... and more.

    You don't even need to be an experienced glitcher to pull this kind of ****ery off. Honestly, as much as I'm loving the game already, I will not tolerate these kinds of exploitable game flaws.

    The culling of the game types is also a huge pet peeve (frankly the lack of one flag is insulting and the one thing that legitimately pisses me off - one flag is essential; and no assault at all? What?) but I'm sure 343 will do what it can to re-implement some of the missing favorites.

    Once again, I apologize for not quite sticking to topic, but if we are going to make a mature, organized effort at letting 343 know we aren't fully satisfied with some aspects of Halo 4, it needs to start with stuff like this. These glitches could be patched easily, but 343 need to know as soon as possible. Nondual, thanks again for taking the incentive to get this going, but I certainly hope you'll take what I've said here into consideration. I'd be glad to help out contacting anybody at 343 if needed.

    For all I know, I'm just over-thinking and the 343 guys are already busting their asses to patch this game, but as I said, we ought to make sure the fundamental flaws of this otherwise fantastic game are taken care of before we get our Pelicans and one-flag back.
  8. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There is no point of comparing the dynamic lighting feature to a full blown editor with custom lighting. You get light, regardless of if you want it or not.

    Separate pallets? No. More like "bonus objects" for each unique canvas. Outside of that, we are in Reach with more visually appealing, yet limiting canvases.

    The removal of the precision editing alone, takes forge a step backwards.

    Why would we want flat terrain? For the same reasons so many maps were forged in the Sandbar/Cliffside. I shouldn't even have to explain why such detailed, specific geometry will make it even more difficult to differentiate the forge maps that use natural geometry.

    Optimism can be a good thing, but I feel like some of you are entering the initial stages of denial.
    #28 xzamplez, Nov 11, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2012
  9. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    You misunderstand, I called them improvements because that's what they are; you seem to have inferred otherwise. However, if you believe a few nifty shadows have a greater influence on the average game than our ability to manipulate the actual play-space, you're mistaken.
    If some lighting and textures are meant to be a tradeoff for all of the Forge tools and gameplay mechanics from Reach that are no longer present, then we got a bad deal.
  10. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    If I may, it kills me that the forge blocks now have rounded edges, and gaps in the geometry, because it is hard to make something look like one piece, when each individual block is easily picked out because of their curved edges.
  11. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    thats why you phase them together, like we have always done since halo 3.
  12. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    what about z-fighting?
  13. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    tap bumper + A simultaneously.

    also, there is no z-fighting visible on pieces that i have phased together by just barely on the edge to remove the curved corners. its when you stick them completely inside each other that you get bad z-fighting.

    now, of course, precision nudge was a much better feature and i miss it too.
    but im just sayin.
  14. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
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    I think the forge is fine. I personally haven't noticed any glitches. The only two things are the precision editing and zooming. Also, the bigger problem in my opinion is the gametype customizability. :(
  15. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    People, certain affinity (The actuall makes of forge) has an own youtube channel. Once in a while they post a video, and forge tutorial recently. And people comment on that video, those comments get answered such as (litterally taken over) "If you could tell 343 that the community would appreciate the ability to change the floods spawning weapons, I would appreciate it :)"
    Certain Affinity answer "Noted, that message will be passed upwards.

    This is somenthing small, but if they post a new video, and we ask the same thing over and over. Maybe they will notice it (They only have somewhat subs 300 i believe) and the message actually gets passed upwards. This is one of the things we might be able to do.
    I really hope 343 realizes what we want. My things are mostly..
    - Puke green armor in flood? No please.
    - Only ordnace drops in flood, you cant placed weapons down i heard.
    - The nudge feature of course.
    - The AA on the flood, must be changable, now it can only be disabled.
    - The water, let us get close to it, maybe a bit above it. What can happen?
  16. Dathus 146

    Dathus 146 Promethean

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    Something I noticed when I was messing around in Forge for the first time. I'm trying to build a Horse map for the Achievement Hunter guys, and anytime you put an explosive JUST inside a physical object, such as a block, the explosion animation will appear, but the explosion will not harm you at all, even if you place another explosive object linked with it just outside of the object. If any part of an item is within another, it prevents the explosion. Making it hard to hide mines anywhere.
  17. xECLIPSEx

    xECLIPSEx Forerunner

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    I have never seen so many people whine and complain about a game that was released LESS THAN A WEEK AGO. Come on people, some of you act like it's the end of the world that some tiny problem has occured. Give them some credit, they added a lot of new and interesting features to the game like dynamic lighting and new gametypes like Dominion and Extraction. I am content with forge at the moment because it is a new game, and some people want to tear it apart like its been out for a year. Just give it some time and 343i will probably make some changes to Forge and the Gametypes, but that doesn't mean complain that it isn't perfect all the time until that happens.
  18. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    In regards to the video, Lippy, have you seen the glitch on Complex, where you can jetpack up into some little building and actually get inside the building?

    It's so ****ing hard to explain, but some assholes were exploiting this glitch while we were playing oddball and I used Promethean vision to find them and they were literally inside the building's structure. I just left, went into theater and watched them do the glitch because I was curious how it went down.
  19. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Yeah but 343 had many years to get their act together and millions upon millions of dollars that they got my Microsoft, from fans like us. So there is no excuse to release a half done, half broken game. We paid to play and now some of us want to complain so things get fixed. Never settle in life. And never expect things to just fix themselves.
  20. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Forerunner
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    I hope you don't mean the OP. He is much better at staying positive than most people, including me. I am not ungrateful, I love the forge in Halo 4, I think 343 did an excellent job stepping up and taking the reins from Bungie, but now that making post-launch additions/changes is a possibility, I want Halo 4 to be the best it can be. As annoying as those pissy people are, they are among the people who care the most about the game.

    OP: I think this is an excellent way to get 343's attention on these issues, and the co-operation of everyone is the key. 343 won't fix something they aren't aware to be broken.
    Just complaining isn't the way to go about getting their attention, as I'm sure you guys are aware of the masses of hate threads at the launch of an AAA title. Let's work together and make this game last as long as possible.
    #40 A Legit Taco, Nov 11, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2012

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