Hello there! I've collected the best remakes I've been able to find thus far for Halo 4 forge and uploaded them all to my file share (Jed05)! Halo 4: Forge Remake Map Pack #1: 9 Classic Halo Maps, 1 Unreal Tournament Map! - YouTube Above is a trailer and updated map pack with some footage from user's maps from here as well. Let me know if any of the text description needs fixed or other links to add! Remake Map Pack 1 Maps: Maps, their creators gamertag / their website: -MLG Sanctuary (2 / Reach) by TymeLapse -Lockout (Halo 2/3) by Natsu nii -The Cage (Reach) by GrandDaddyDoom -Guardian TS (Halo 3) by FamousFaps -The Pit (Halo 3) by JAM -Warlord (Warlock Remake from Halo 2) by RegardlessDolan Forge Hub - View Profile: RegardlessDolan -Facing Worlds w/ CTF-UT Game Type (Unreal Tournament) by Wizardof0zwald overview for RedBearon -Ascension and Foundation by MX 956 overview for MX956 -Atrocity (Narrows remake halo 3) by Fame28 Forge Hub - View Profile: fame28 To download these maps: Press start at the title screen Go to your File Browser Go to Map Variants (or Game Types if grabbing the game type) Select File Share Search and user Gamertag: Jed05 Press Y and select download file on each file! Feel free to add me on Xbox Live (Jed05) as I'll be making videos of these for my YouTube Channel (Jed's Channel - YouTube)! More maps and videos incoming as they are created! NOTE: I did not make these maps, just collected them, gave them descriptions (on most) and uploaded them for easy access in one place!
You should probably link the original threads/where you got the maps from. I took a look through most of them and want to give feedback to the creators, but no link is given to do so.
i wish they had made the Pit on somewhere besides Erosion... the textures look icky. some of the jumps are missing and the dimensions feel slightly off in a lot of places as well. and i dont really care for the use of the 1way shields instead of grav lifts for the lifts.
^This. The Cage is probably the single worst map in any Halo game ever, I can't imagine someone remaking in Halo 4. Aside from that, could you provide us with pics? I would like to see what they look like along with everyone else here.
I have a list and will do this in an update of the post, plus I'm making a Trailer for this "map pack" and adding two more tonight [br][/br]Edited by merge:
I'm sorry but the only maps close to a remake in this list are Warlord and The Cage(why bother). The rest are "Inspired by". Their scaling is terrible and nothing feels right. Judging by the lack of attention to detail I'm sure the spawning is also very poor. Also you should have linked the original creators file in your file share instead of uploading your own version and take all the credit.
If you look at the files it says who created it and gives them credit. The only thing I did was fix naming / descriptions as some of these didn't even have the proper name or misspelling and you could tell it wasn't on purpose.
And you put an ad for your channel in the description, without asking the map author. I personally don't mind, but others may.
Well that was a "I scratch your back you scratch mine" scenario. Plus I'll be making a youtube trailer for these as well as linking everyone that I can that made these be it on Forgehub / Youtube / Reddit / Other. Trust me, I'm going to help out everyone
Honestly, my issue isn't with the credit or the youtube link or whatever. It's with the fact that.. these maps suck. Sanctuary is a REALLY good remake, and The Pit is okay, but The Cage was an awful map to begin with, Guardian's way off scale, as is Lockout, and Warlord's decent but lacks the aesthetic value of the original. But, that's my opinion, and I still think it's awesome that you took the time to collect these up. So, thank you.
Right now the biggest and most legit complaint I see is that maps look like ass. The lighting system can be your best friend or worst enemy and many of the pieces and parts are just bland and ugly, sadly. But aesthetic's don't really matter when it comes to game play.
Definitely agree-able. Sanctuary manages to look good and play well, but The Pit is just.. ugly. Guardian however has a bunch of issues. Example, going off the lift from the rocky area can result in death very VERY easily, while in H3 it never did. The jumps seem off and overall the map is just.. smaller. It doesn't scale to H4 so much as it does Reach. Lockout has the same issues. Warlord's a fine remake, my only legitimate issues with it are the lifts have a one-way shield, and the bland aesthetics but as you said, aesthetics don't affect gameplay.
TBH I think you should have done a bit more research. In my opinion you should have looked at all maps to see which ones were people's favorites overall (clearly not cage ) also you should have waited for better remakes as these ones are all getting negative feedback and then you also should have waited until you could get some good screenshots so people would actually take you seriously.
Commenting on Warlord: The lifts won't function properly without the one-way shields, as you can get stuck in an infinite loop inside of the lift. The shields are the only way to make the lifts work 100% of the time, without drastically overhauling the base, which goes against the concept of sticking as close to the original as possible. If you know another way to do them with a 100% success rate, please let me know, I'd be very interested in learning how. As for the aesthetics, you can blame 343 & Certain Affinity. I wish we could use custom textures so bad
That remake of The Cage is not very good, besides, The Cage was dropped from the playlist shortly after launch, and replaced by Uncaged. Here's my remake of Uncaged, called 'SpaceCaged' - tis much better than the one above, not to brag... I put much more effort into it, which is pretty obvious; GT: Lemonwilly Map: SpaceCaged No pics yet as Halo 4 file share ain't fully online yet, the 343 jerks! Nice to see releasing unfinished features is a trend of modern games.
I'm sorry, but I just tried out the new Foundation remake, and it's pretty horrible as well. >The center structure has been replaced with a generic building. >The lifts are all wrong, and have had an ugly roof added to them. >The platforms on each side are nothing like how they should be. >The corner rooms aren't even the right shape, let alone the right size. Also no "zombie jump" spot in room 2. >Teleporters in Foundation....wat? >The walls are WAY too short, and I was able to escape the map with ease, without even using the jetpack. Pretty much the only resemblance it has to Foundation is that it's a rectangle, with a room in each corner -_- I'm currently working on an actual Foundation remake, I'll let you know when I'm done. I don't mean to be a **** here, but you should start doing some quality assurance testing before adding these maps, as most of them are pretty bad.