I agree about strafing not helping much at certain distances. I didn't type that or how it was least effective when players can move in and out of cover because I remember typing that a while ago. Halo 3 required you to land 7 shots to kill with the super combine; a few needles at a time didn't do significant damage to a player, and it was still a powerful niche weapon. As I typed before, the Reach needler is less of a niche weapon both because it tracks a bit better up close and because it does significant damage per needle against shields, getting them one-shot before a few needles stick and supercombine. This meant that it could be used in conjunction with any teammate's weapon, and in Invasion it was all-around more powerful than the the other P1 (also slow-projectile) spawning weapons, and in some cases the needle rifle, which wasn't optimal because it was the easiest to use.
AW **** HE HAS A NEEDLER Probably have to play halo 4 to really understand if its really that powerful.
Just a heads up guys there are heaps of easter eggs that enhance the story in the campaign. Found one on the second level that involves Dr. Halsey and Cortana.
I got off a game just now with BT, ****, Shannon, Vice, and Chuck. We won a game of dominion in under a minute ... 0.o.
ive done that too, when you capture all their bases in the start and then own them. i think its a really cool feature. their team has to be pretty terrible for it to happen. --- also, i want to say that i just played an excellent, tight CTF game on ragnarok that felt extremely classic. if anyone out there is avoiding CTF because they think that auto-flag-pickup has ruined CTF.... i urge you to give it a chance. i played a few different games of it on small maps, and it was fun... but this game on ragnarok really cinched it for me. auto-flag-pickup is not detrimental to the CTF experience at all imo.
this this this. first ctf game i played was ragnarok, and my first thought was "holy **** ctf is awesome again"
I saw one in the beginning of the first mission on the FUD it was like the log of chief, his service record.
Jesus **** you have Alzheimer's, we did that the other night when we had 10 people. Me and you bolted to C while Steve and Jake took B and two other guys took A, we won in literally 40 seconds.
****, I gotta get in on that. Has anyone managed to get a game of Extraction yet? If so, is it worth playing? I'm a little confused as to why 343 decided to not give it its own playlist.
I just drove the wraith, and i has a new feature i like (When you are in danger, you see an alarm light coming out of the wraith, bright red, and you hear an alert) Going to play extraction in a minute, see what it is like.
You mistake me forgetting for not mentioning, that was just fresh in my mind silly. We made a big deal about it cause we won like 20 games in a row.
Dominion sucks in matchmaking. The games are way too short. They need to take a page from Domination's book and extend that **** out quite a ways.
The population numbers I saw last night were crazy! 158,000 playing Infinity Slayer, 111,000 playing BT Infinity Slayer. The rest of the playlists ranged from 80,000-11,000. Those are some high numbers right there!
Based on how well the MM has turned out to be, I'd say it has a better chance against BO2 that Reach did with BO1.