There's a lot of new stuff in Halo 4 forge, so we're putting out videos to cover all of it. Spawning and Ordnance Drops: Spoiler "Spawning Overview" - Halo 4 - YouTube "How to Forge Ordnance Drops" - Halo 4 - YouTube Tips and Tricks: Spoiler "Escalator, Moving Walkway and more!" - Halo 4 Forge - YouTube "What's 'Up' With Gravity Volumes?" - Halo 4 Forge - YouTube "How to Get Automated Turrets" - Halo 4 Forge - YouTube How to make Wraiths fly" - Halo 4 Forge - YouTube "How to get Vehicle Pads in all Gametypes" - YouTube "How to Get Infinite Turrets in Forge" - YouTube "Crate of Death" - Booby Traps: Episode 1 - YouTube "How to make invisible ceilings" - Halo 4 Forge - YouTube " A Closer Look At Dominion Objects" - YouTube "How to forge Ladders and Jump Pads" - YouTube "How to get UNLIMITED Vehicles" - YouTube "How to make a MOVING train" - YouTube Gametype Tutorials: Spoiler "How to Forge Dominion" - Halo 4 - YouTube "How to Forge CTF" - Halo 4 - YouTube "How to Forge Flood Mode" - Halo 4 - YouTube "How to Forge Oddball / King of the Hill" - Halo 4 - YouTube "How to Forge Race" - Halo 4 - YouTube "How to Forge Extraction" - Halo 4 - YouTube "One Flag CTF" - Competitive Forge Tutorial - YouTube Aesthetic Tutorials: Spoiler "Vehicles" - Aesthetic Forge Tutorial - YouTube Map Overviews: Spoiler Halo 4: "Ravine" Forge Overview - YouTube Halo 4: "Erosion" Forge Overview - YouTube Halo 4: "Impact" Forge Overview - YouTube Other recommended threads: A Guide to Dynamic Lighting How to set up One Flag CTF Light-Derping I'll keep posting these in here, but hopefully these will help some of you out.
If you put 2 rocket launchers and a sniper rifle in the random drop slots, would it be twice as likely to drop a rocket launcher?
CertainAffinity Forging Video Tutorials on Youtube. They are methodical step by step and cover all the details. The videos thus far cover the various game types and the latest one is in response to questions we have asked (e.g., DOM_UPGRADE). Regarding what we now know about Spawning in H4, Respawn Zones do not lock players into their team specific zones for respawning as they did in Reach. In Reach, given two respawn points far apart, one in a respawn zone and another not, the spawning player would always spawn in the respawn zone even when an opponent was right there next to the respawn point. In H4, this is no longer the case. The best information we have thus far is from one of the Community Cartographers who says that the weights have been significantly changed (e.g., the ranking of which influence is dominate has changed). Also, the Anti Respawn Zone does not prevent players from spawning in those zones as the THFE video suggests. I have verified that the LOS bug is still present and appears to behave as it does in Reach. CertainAffinity told us that they would be coming out with an extensive tutorial on spawning after the holidays, so we may learn quite a bit officially.
Anyone else try playing around with the core on Impact after seeing these? Zanzibar might not be a pipedream anymore.
I saw all of these videos and thought they were very informative. Nice work. Are you guys going to do the Extraction gametype soon?
Just wondering if there is a fix for the mysterious moving pieces issue. Everything looks fine, I save and when I come back later a large majority of the structural pieces have skewed and or moved slightly. I used edit coordinates for all the pieces and locked everything before saving. I am at a loss. Any help would be awesome! Thanks!
from my limited experience so far, i've only noticed this problem being a huge issue on Erosion... the map i am working on on Ravine has not had this problem. besides that, i cant really say much. if it is unfixable, that basically ruins Erosion for everyone.
I've heard a lot of complaints from people regarding this issue, although I haven't actually experienced it myself (I've only really forged on Impact so far). I don't think there's really a way to avoid the issue currently (although if we find one, we'll certainly make a video about it), but if the issue was bad enough to get 343i to remove their forge maps from matchmaking I would expect them to be working to fix it.
With a little further investigation and asking some friends, It seems as though if someone joins your forge match and/or they save your map, it will cause this issue. It is the only time this seems to be happening. This is not a positive but rather the best explanation so far. Quite a few people have reported this as the culprit on Waypoint and 343 forums.
Thanks for the videos, that weapon drop guide was wonderfully helpful. Also, what's this about forge objects moving out of place?
Not sure if anyone has made a video describing how to make a closing door in Halo 4 but i guess this is the best place to post it. First Halo 4 Door Made in Forge - YouTube
This is not new to Halo 4. It is a Host issue and was present in both Halo 3 and Reach. The shifting issue has been well documented here and elsewhere and can best be described as a "rounding error". The short answer is: If an item is not placed in it's original spawning orientation it will shift after a save. It will shift in either 2, 4, or 8 different positions based on the complexity of it's set position, but these positions are constant, not random. I proved this point by making a seamless floor out of Coliseum Walls on Forgeworld. I turned the walls 90 degrees to make a floor, then turned them 45 degrees. The floor pieces would shift in one of 8 different positions. Then i determined which of the positions i wanted based on which was flattest. From there i marked the good ones and turned the others on a 45 degree snap to get a fresh set of coordinates, then saved. Eventually all 16 pieces were shifted in exactly the same position and i manually positioned them with snap turned off. This is the result: An intersection of 4 Coliseum Walls. The best advice i can give is to reposition your item, save'n quit, reload from the map browser list (not memory) until the item is in the least offensive position, then manually adjust with snap turned off. Sometimes, but not always, you can use the host glitch in your favour since the items will shift without requiring you to save.n quit.
That was easy to do in Reach, but 4 sacrificed advanced precision movement for casual-aiding magnets that don't help much.
I think the coli floor tutorial presented for Reach might help here. But I think you will need two monitors, one to make the slight change in angles and another one to be close up to view the changes as they take place.
In response to TIPS and TRICKS: Gravity Volumes You can create a moving train in Halo 4. Double stack Grav zones on a 45 degree angle in a continuous line and place "large open containers" within a trench. Its kinda fun to ride but the containers dissappear when they are neglected and far away from you. So it's inconsistent. If you walk near the Large container as it's moving, it won't disappear.