Help make 343 aware of this Some of us are very attached to our emblem. I've been using this emblem since Halo 2 and now it's gone. I really want to have it since I identify myself by it. Please let them know it's important that they keep old emblems!
I am fairly certain that all the emblems from Reach are there, you just have to unlock them (twice: once to see them, then level up to use them) in order to access them.
Someone posted a video of all the emblems, and it definitely didn't have all the ones from Halo: Reach and before
Is there a way to rotate and scale emblems and such to customize them further? as I recall in the one of the past Halo's they had the option...maybe not?
I do not believe so. Also I don't think that a thread complaining about emblems being gone is going to make 343 add in emblems. You never know though. I do know however that emblems are unlock able with rank(not sure if I like that or not.)
im not sure what its called but ive been using the Eagle on the Shield for longer that I can remember and its been removed
they never had that option sorry, that was black ops And i've unlocked a good amount of emblems, and almost all of the ones ive seen in the past are present, and im sure i still have more to unlock, so keep leveling up and you'll get your emblem
I don't understand what the big deal is, it's just a couple pixels on the corner of your screen. Would anyone care to explain?
What was the point of removing any of the emblems anyway? Seems pretty retarded to me. Also, I can't find my '8'
they want you to feel like you are earning things, so they strip away everything to give you more things to "earn"
So I think I can go ahead and disable your ability to use a avatar and a signature on ForgeHub? I mean, it's just some pixels on the corner of your screen .. Many of us used the same logo over years, over several games. I the same logo since Halo 3, others even used one since Halo 2. Logos and emblems are a way to express yourself, I prefer them over all these stupid armor customizations. I get why they decided to lock away some of them, like jacket said, to give you something to unlock, which is a stupid idea .. why are some logos "better", why do I have to play the game longer to use my pirate than someone to get his cup of coffee logo?
The only unlockable emblems should be new ones that weren't in past games, IMO. Though I realize they probably don't want to give us 1500 emblems and backgrounds to scroll through.
Honestly, I wouldn't care about avatars at all - they're pixels. Signatures can be more meaningful than pixels (writing, advertising your maps). So it's nostalgia with the emblems?
It's more than that. It's an identity. I've been using this emblem for 7 years now (since 2005). That's a long time associated with an icon. It's a trademark for who I am on XBL I want people to see that emblem and think me. I don't want to have to recreate an identity I've been working on for 7 years.
It is not. All suits are gone. Please sign it and maybe we can get them back.