You're right. I'll remember to specifically use other guns even if I enjoy them less simply for the sake of other people. -.- The melting pot should come from people using what they prefer, but making all of them viable options is essential in leading to variety. If one gun becomes the go to (which some reports indicate might be true of the DMR) then that's because 343 didn't balance the options well enough, not the fault of the player.
yea yea... i just hate the DMR so i was being cunty. im gonna be all sorts of butthurt over that gun being the go-to gun. =(
Lol you and chrs can form a club. Thing is, I don't even disagree. I think they should all be viable options, and from a balance perspective it'll totally suck if one is the go to, especially if it's the DMR cause with the nature of that gun they should have seen it coming. But I have to admit I love that thing in Reach so it won't affect my habits too much, even if I do object to it in principle. I still hope it isn't the case, though. It'd be kinda funny if it was the Carbine and some of the MLG folks rage "about having to use a purple gun."
the carbine really looks like a beast from the few videos i've seen of it in use. i know i saw somewhere that its like a 6sk instead of 5 like the other guns, but if its high rate of fire ends up making it a faster kill for someone who is really good with it, that should be interesting. also, ive seen purple carbines and orange ones in videos. the orange must be a skin or something? idk.
According to that video the carbine rof is only 1.4x that of the other 5sk guns which makes up for the 7sk exactly. I remember the carbine in Halo 3 having a very low firecap which I at least was hoping for in H4
It takes exactly one frame less to kill, which has no significance. It looks like it'll have to be compared to the other weapons based on spread and clip size. One could argue that a carbine-carbine battle would take more skill because more probabilities are played out (making the ending score better reflect the aim of the players), but there's also a reason MLG doesn't solely use automatic weapons.
To be fair, I think a large part of the reason MLG doesn't use auto weapons is because they're not used as a skill weapon base in Halo. The Focus Rifle and Sentinel Beam are the only examples of precision autos in the series, and the latter was simply OP whilst the former has issues with too big a clip and no way to alter it. Any real competitive shooter scene should be open to the idea of precision autos as a skill weapon, but by and large they're not done in this way. Auto is too often linked with spread (as a result of the inherent focus on realism in shooters overall) and semis with precision to allow for the auto to sit well as a skill weapon in the subconscious of the gaming community. But the Lightning Gun in Quake is a perfect example of what it can be, which is incredibly skillful.
Definitely the DMR or the Light Rifle. You no longer zoom out when hit by bullets, so you it'll make it easier to shoot from across the map. Additionally, the Light Rifle has the fastest kill when zoomed it, but the DMR...what more can be said?
qft, definitely BR>DMR for me as well. Although I'll use both, as well as the carbine and possibly LR if I happen to like it.
DMR was one of my favorite precision riffles of all time. The carbine has arguably about the same range, maybe a little less power, but it makes up for that with with godly fire power. DMR---Pew--Pew--Pew-- Carbine---PewPewPewPew Suppressor (my automatic chose for CQC maps) Ratatatatatatattatatatatattatatatatat
Haven't really gotten a chance to play with the lightrifle yet, but so far I'm quite enjoying the BR, as well as how forgiving it is with headshots. I do however prefer the Carbine for range as it is just has a smaller and more accurate bloom reticle. I do see the DMR coming out to be very used by myself, with its really fast kill times, as well as higher accuracy than the BR.
I've got to use each a good amount, though LR only n campaign. So far I'm liking the DMR and the Carbine about equally, with the LR and the BR following up behind them. It seems to me that in any situation in which I have a BR I would rather use a carbine or a shorter range weapon instead. It's not horrible, but I prefer my one shot per click weapons.
I'm torn between two weapons. I want to use the light rifle because it seems more powerful when you shoot, and not many people have it yet - but I constantly find myself doing better with the carbine. I've tried the buff that give you two primaries, but I'd rather keep my faster shield regain.
I've gotten raped by the LR on a few maps (like Solace) but neither me nor shad0w have been effective with it. DMR all the way down (eating my words so hard).
So far I've been completely stuck on the BR. Even at DMR range I just **** on people with it most of the time, and it's just way to fun and nostalgic to pull myself away from. I haven't used the DMR a whole lot (because I don't want to), but it seems quite good. Shoe is hooked on the carbine, but I just can't get the hang of it. Also, from what I've used in campaign I'm not a huge fan of the Light Rifle (yes, that's a spoiler, there ARE light rifles in campaign!), so for now I'm sticking with he good ol' Battle Rifle.
So far I've been doing it the other way 'round, but I'm still finding my legs in multiplayer and may change it up once I get more games in. I do like the more forgiving spread on the BR.
I've found that each is good for different situations. BR= close-mid, DMR= mid-Long, Light Rifle is a beast at taking down shields, and the carbine's RoF is ridiculous.
BR for small-medium maps DMR for large maps Lightrifile with Plasma nade(for vehicles) in BTB im surprised to see the DMR undervalued here its quite good and BRs spread at long range is disappointing.