Power weapons in the side rooms and semi power weapons in the centre? I thought that would increase camping? If you could explain?
This was the slayer map i was talking about in one of the other topic's. I think it was "what map will you forge first?" This is the slayer map that i talked about in the forum. This one i most likely will be making today in halo reach to see how i like it. Any thoughts?
With a valuable weapon in each room, players will be encouraged to travel between locations to control every weapon so that they can keep the upperhand and prevent their opponent from gaining any opportunities. I think it's something that generally works for these kinds of maps. The problem with having weapons solely in the center is that players could simply watch the spawn while camping in a room. I think the general layout is the underlying factor here in that players find it more beneficial to camp certain areas than to actually move around. That's why counters are essential whether they be in the form of a risky position or a position that has strong lines of sight on it. It could almost be compared to the one law of science; with every reward, there should be an equal and opposite risk. With all that said, it's a double edged sword that depends on how each person plays. If they feel very comfortable with one weapon but not the other, they will probably camp the aforementioned's room. If they're decent with every weapon, they will probably move around and attempt to obtain each one.
Pretend like it's from Halo 4. No one will know better. Sure, Reach maps are fine They're still sketches, which encompasses the main point of the thread. EDIT: Ninja'd.
Narfidy, post a key for your sketch pls 'cause I don't know what the hell is going on. EDIT: Nevermind, I think I got it upon furthur examination. I think you should remove the pillars in the corner platforms as the map is already pretty small and they restrict the much needed dancefloor. I would also suggest that you make hard connections from the spawn rooms so that they don't seem like such dead zones. I like it, though. The overall design is pretty interesting. To spice things up some, you could add some slight inclination in the connection between spawn room and the atrium, make the inclines onto that skinny ledge come from spawn room, expand the skinny ledge, and possibly block some LoS on those corner platforms. I'll make a sketch in paint later.
No post either or, alot of people dont have 4 yet so it's understandable, i asked a mod to move this to halo 4 discussion, but he said a new thread could be made if i wanted to, but feel free to post reach or 4 sketches, if i knew how to sketch up id post the layout to a ts map im making, but once the fileshare system is online ill post pics of how its early stages are looking
Okay thank you for the clarification guys. I made some silly little 1v1 maps in reaches-non-anniversary-dlc-maps that i will probably post in the casual section for reach. (thats why i asked) @Auburn okay thank you for the feed back. I will likely take into account what you mean by "dance floor" in the top platforms. The circles in front of those corner spaces, are supposed to be two way's to take you from one side to another, but I might not keep those. "skinny ledge" is supposed to be a walled of bridge, to serve as snipe spawn, and there is going to be a space under that to walk through. If I feel like game play needs it I may hollow out the underneath of the corner spots to allow for a more CQC environment. That and better flag run options The dashed lines are meant to be important lines of sight. I want it so that from the top levels with snipe it can become easy to lock down enemy spawn. Other than that for a brief summary I'm going for a 3v3-4v4 map that specializes in long range encounters. Now that I have said this any thoughts, comments or questions you want to add?
Its difficult to draw out, It's sort of like a reimagination of isolation, with the big tunnel, but the top would be different, planning for it to be a CTF/objective map with a tunnel going to both bases for flag carries on mongooses, im making it on erosion. Each of the bases has a circular part made of brace larges, and the no precision movement is really messing me up haha, anyone else having issues with this? also, Ill probably have a preview by saturday, if i can find a way to get pics online
Okay Auburn I used my magical (magical is my code word for fail) paint skeelz to give you a clearer picture of the map Red Displays top floor Orange middle ground Yellow Bottom floor Pink circles Power Weapons (the ones in the bottom left/ top right will be underneath) Pink semi circles Gravity lifts Purple Inclines that will lead up 1 level Black walled off/roofed Hope this helps
Narf, I still think that red would be abused as it's the highest point, the only valuable position, has an adequate amount of structure, and has LoS on sniper spawn. I think you should block some of the LoS up there, widen the orange walkway some, and have to stairs to the second level start where each team spawns. In that case, detterents in the middle of both atriums would be a good way to promote movement through the bottom floor. However, you would probably have to block the lower floor tunnel through the bridge with that setup unless you tweaked spawn times correct. Additionally, I think that you should replace the gravity lifts with hard routes where ever it's possible. Assuming I understand the scaling, it looks a tad bit small for a 4v4, lol. It looking good, though.
Okay Auburn thanks, I will try to work on some sort of "New and improved map sketch" And maybe make that in Paint so its easier to overlay. I thought of another idea that might work for the middle walkway. And will also block some LoS by adding "elbows" from each corner of orange to sniper spawn. I'll show you what I mean this weekend when I get a new sketch in.
Hey guys, just drew up a new concept sketch for a Relic variant. I'm still messing with the size, though I have the individual structures prefabbed on another map. Let me know what you think. And sorry for the crappy scanner quality.
Red Top floor Orange Middle floor Yellow Bottom floor/tunnel Purple Inclines (no more lifts, got rid of that one and replaced it with the ramp by each spawn) Okay so this is the updated sketch for my map. Things changed Removed cover in the middle of Orange/Green spawns giving it more "Dance floor" Widened Orange platforms (see the black circle labeled 1) Extended the tunnel to fit with the new Orange platforms. Meaning I extended it and made it so you cant see through the map with it. Removed lift (see circle with 2 next to it) Possible things to change/add Asthetically I am going to close in Blue spawn side (meaning wall it off) and on the red side with the Orange platforms I will just add a railing but leave it open to distinguish the two sides. From bottom tunnel I might add lifts to top mid, but not sure how that would play. Euphorius Hmm Never played Relic, I imagine the crossed lines on the map are Important LoS from snipe1 to snipe2 and the shaded out blobs are rocks? Correct me if i am wrong but it looks like it can come together nicely on ravine.
@Narfidy: The yellow spaces should be redone. The ramps going from yellow to red obstruct the dance floor in the yellow room. The S turn you have to maneuver before going through the bottom hallway is awkward. Both sides of the red floor need more breathing room/dance floor. The map overall has very limited options. It's lack of depth makes it feel like a warm up map. I suggest expanding upon the idea you currently have. The way you have the separate floors interact is done well, and you should keep that characteristic consistent if you do choose to build outward.
Hmm so I should expand it more to the outside, pieces. I will give thought on that. Please note this is not to scale so the actual map will probably be longer giving each side of red more dance floor, as well as yellow in front of each spawn. S curve is an easy fix, just move the black spots that make you "s curve" to the other side so that you can just walk strait up, or just remove some of the black a little, so that there is minimal "s curving." I like what i did with orange though so i will likely expand around the sides with the main atrium for red and yellow on each side.
it's somewhat interesting to see sketches from other people, eventhough sometimes they hard to read. I'm used to have a separate sketch for each floors of my maps. last sketch looks decent and a bit simple. I suppose the red area is going to be more campable. the power weapon placement looks fine (though depends on what it is). is it a bridge or a corridor? if it is a bridge, then it gives a nice view of the map, but should be a vulnerable position as well. the map isn't too open? it might be the fact that it looks small, so you can't put too much cover, or it might just get in the way?