No Race Gametype in Halo 4?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by McJames, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Hey guys DREAM here.. I am more than disapointe that 343 took out the Race & VIP game type. I was up for a good two hours last night trying to figure out a way to bring back Race and or Battle Tracks. I was not successful using KOTH. You cannot turn contesting off. I tried. If two people try to go through the goal at the same time, it does not give anyone the point and says "Hill Contested". This is really not cool 343. I know you think you know that the community wants, but your date on what is popular must be flawed.

    I know a lot of people here that don't care about racing will say that it wasn't popular enough. I beg to differ however. I know plenty of my friends who loved Race & Battle Tracks, so that theory is not true. I am really upset with 343 right now. It seems they didn't give a **** about what the community really wants, or they are just too oblivious to see clearly, or they just care about the all mighty dollar. Either way, this sucks that VIP, Race and now Assault have been removed. This makes absolutely NO sense what so ever. I am really disappointed right now and I am really sad face. Again, it would be cool to see some of these game variants come in the near future as down loaded content. It seems to me the custom game types and options are overall lacking. Why the heck is this? They had plenty of time to work on this game?? I am really annoyed and I know a lot of my friends are too. You really blew it 343. I will take another look today for you guys. I will see if I can work any of my magic and see if I can come up with something. As of now it really doesn't look good. Oh the humanity:(
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Racing was quite popular among customs gamers and forgers alike. It was only unpopular in matchmaking, because Bungie never experimented with it (they thought it was too far outside the core Halo experience, perhaps).

    Personally, while I never built tracks or played regular race, I never made a BTB map without also configuring it for race, and I made some rocket race-style minigames that I thought were a blast. The lack of this gametype is a huge, stupid, needless loss, and they need to bring it back.

    And sadly KOTH is no substitute. Even if hill contesting weren't a problem, there's no way to make that gametype really function the way race does.
  3. Keeno

    Keeno Forerunner

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    If you are all on the same team you can change the trait setting to count for everyone on your team that is currently holding the hill to gain points that's all I've found so far I'll keep the post updated if I find anything else that can help race maps out :)
  4. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Cool idea but the round would end when the final score was reached. In other words you would never know what lap you are on and you would see the score of everyone combined score at the bottom cause your all on the same team. Everyone would have to be on their own team to see who the winner was when the game ended. Either way, 343 are such d****. Looks like I won't really be playing much Halo 4 unless they release Race or Rocket Race or VIP.
  5. Keeno

    Keeno Forerunner

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    Yeah I guess can't say I didn't try :p give us the opportunity to start making sprint race tracks instead of lapped ones, I know it's bad on 343s part but we will have to make do with what we have I guess.

    additional idea would be separate hills in one line but divide the the sections so only one vehicle can go through each lane at a time.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Literally the only way I can think to deal with this - fully-enclosed tracks with a single hill at the end, and the first guy to get there wins. That's assuming you can make "time in the hill to win" low enough for this to be feasible.
  7. Masta Blastr

    Masta Blastr Ancient
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    I've already made a KotH gametype and test track that uses one way shield doors to keep you in the hill for a second. Everyone has to be on the same team to avoid contested hills though. The individual time in the hill is the amount of laps done (which you can see when you click back) and the max score is set to infinite so it ends when the host says so. This will work for tournaments where you line up after X laps but not for games where everyone doesn't understand how to play.

    One upside with KotH is that you can have more than 16 mongooses so there's no waiting for them to respawn like Halo 3.

    Keeno I have tried that gated idea as well but the max amount of hills that can be active at once is 3. The people I have tested it with prefer the same team method.

    Dream we should we should work on it together since we've had similar ideas.
    #47 Masta Blastr, Nov 7, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
  8. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Sure. I will be on all day today. I made the same game as you the other night. It's not great but a least it's a way to Race, better than nothing. I sill don't get 343? Why did they remove all the good game types and put in crap ones with little to no custom options? We need to all let 343 know how pissed we all are. They made a lot of money off all of us and we have a right to be mad. Let's all not promote that co and not buy Halo 5 if they are just going to sell us **** to make a quick buck. I am hoping they release games modes as a down load soon.

    There is just no excuse to ship the game with little to no useful game modes. I feel ripped off and we need to somehow lot Microsoft and 343 that this is not cool and the community is not happy. I actually made a Savage Tracks game that is just like the Rocket Race game that I made the other day. The only problem is people on foot can shoot and do damage. In Reach I was able to make it where only the guy on the back of a Mongoose can only do damage and not anyone of foot. 343 turned off this important option. What a surprise?? I will see if I can still work it out somehow, or it can just have an honor rule that there is no shooting on foot. I can also make the players run 50 speed to make them not want to be on foot. I am not sure yet.. Send me a invite.
  9. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Im fully working on the gametypes in the forge. Seeing what all the possibilities are. And i see some. Even with an race variant, not going to post my idea here though, because im not sure if it will work (Of course not) and i dont want people to get stoked. Maybe we have to have patience? But we will atleast try till the playlist updates will come, ill hope they do somenthing.
  10. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    We already made Race. It uses KOTH. The only problem is FFA is garbage cause of a million reasons. Next team racing works but we had to make the goal point three hills next to each other, other wise the hill gets contested. So basically you just drive into section A B or C to get the point without contesting. If you see an opponent in front of you taking the left lane you just take the middle or right lane. This way everyone gets a point. If you try to go through the same side as another team member no one will get the point. So you have to make sure you pick one of the three lanes that no one is in right ahead of you.
  11. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Thats great work! You should get it out to everyone, the race track makers would at least be some happier.
    Rocket race seems possible to me, so im going to try that, the same with modefying the flood gametype and use Dominion for other needs.
  12. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I already have Rocket Race in my fileshare. The gametype works well, but the maps probably still need tweaking (game testing will take place later today), which is why I don't have them in my Fileshare yet. Though I have created Ragnarok Speed, Vortex Speed, and Longbow Speed.
  13. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Yeah, Masta came up with the idea. I already had the idea of using to or three goals next to each other, but Masta built it in forge and spaced it out perfectly with three shield doors so when it pushes your though, you get exactly 1 point every time. I was going to make the exact same idea today, but Masta already did it last night. So props to him. I am going to use this to make Battle Tracks now. The only problem that I can't solve is players on foot can shoot and do damage. In Halo 3 & Halo Reach I was able to turing this problem off. 343 left out this critical option, so BT will now have one honor rule. If someone is shooting on foot, you will just have to boot them from the party if they aren't following the rules. The game should be out later today.
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    The depressing thing about rocket race is that they nailed the gametype in Reach (particularly the return-to-vehicle feature) and now we're basically back in the dark ages. It will still more or less work, but it's a return to griefing and being annoyed if anyone in the game doesn't take it seriously.
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Rocket Race will always have griefing no matter what you do. Just play with friends and people who aren't jerks.
  16. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Return to vehicle basically prevented systemic griefing though. You could only grief in ten second intervals, unless you were griefing your own team. No more getting off your ride and just standing in a hotspot, ruining the entire game for multiple other players. I just hate gametypes that require honor rules or can be completely demolished by one person deciding to be an ass.
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    This gametype will never hit Matchmaking. So if you are having trouble with griefers in customs, you are playing customs with the wrong people.
  18. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Don't know how it works for you, but I tend to play customs with all kinds of random people, and if somebody has to leave we spam invites out and bring in whoever we can get. The days of having a group of 8-12 close friends who would all play game after game for hours are long past. So yes, I do occasionally run into griefers, or people who non-maliciously decide to just goof off because they don't like the map or gametype that much. It's better to have gametypes that prevent that to whatever extent is possible.
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Welp, that ain't happenin here.

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