So I'm level 23 already, and I'm loving the lightrifle, in my opinion it is the best primary because it's accurate at a distance and it can easily pull off quick kills with successive headshots. Actually, now that I think about it, I prefer nearly all of the forerunner weapons. The cannon is like a controlled nuclear blast and can easily take out pretty much all opposition, the binary rifle is essentially the same thing, but focused onto two points, and the scattershot is instant death within 5m. As far as the Boltshot is concerned, it's hit or miss (literally), there have been moments where I'm staggered by what I just accomplished, and others where I don't understand how I didn't snag a kill with it. Also, Sharp really, really needs to ****ing learn to look both ways before crossing the road.
****ing incredible campaign, I'm astonished. CE (barely, and arguable right now) > H4 >>> ODST >>>>>> Reach >>>>>>>>>> H2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> H3 imo. Multiplayer is damn fun too. They really ****ed up forge and infection customization though, that sucks :C
Having to be Online when completing campaign to unlock Mark VI takes the utter piss. We couldn't even begin to cope with using xbox live at our LAN last night because the lag was unbearable, so we switched to system link offline. I hate people. Also, anybody know when we unlock EOD yet?
Just finished a 4-player co-op Legendary playthrough. Man oh man was that game ****ing sweet. Spoiler But where was my ****ing barrel roll button?
Pick up the custom powerup, thus removing the one thing that was holding the crate/container in place, resulting in a rather crushing death by the Guardians. It was a classic trap to trick people into picking up the custom powerup but dying after doing so.
CTF Spawns on Ragnarok need some serious tweaking. With both mantises(mantii?) marching up down and the banshee swooping around the base, you'll still spawn in the open completely vulnerable.
lol I guess they wanted to keep it to as close as possible to the gameplay on Valhalla. It happened all the time on that map too.
I never realized how much I used the precision movement until it was gone. I think the graphics in the cut scenes are superior to any other game I've played but the facial expressions seem dull, although I've only played the 1st mission. [br][/br]Edited by merge: At cluck, without trying to do the math, that's like at least 6 hrs a day everyday till the 30th for just 800 ms points. I couldn't do that if I wanted to but even if I did, that's crap for a pay up but I guess if you were already gonna play that much then it's a pretty sweet deal.
did you even see the cutscene with the covvy ship? that was by far the worst pyrotechnics I've ever seen -the explosions were just 4 or 5 firework-looking things -no shrapnel -no debris -the covvy ship came apart like it was made of legos how does that qualify as superior?
Haha, this I saw that and was just like..."" That's really the only part of campaign I saw was the first mission so I can't say anything about any other cutscenes. But the cutscenes we saw in our first view of campaign( chief on requiem in the jungle) they looked pretty good.
Guess I wasn't paying attention at that, but when I saw the little freckly faced red head kid, I thought they were using real people for a minute. Then I noticed the old lady's face when she was talking. Keep in mind I said it was better than "games I'VE played", and I've only played mission one.
Thought the cut scene graphics were very up and down. Skin textures and such were amazing. Cortana is a work of art who improves my happiness by 50% every time she appears. Some of other things (like that explosion) were not so good and felt like they rushed it through and said, "Eh, good enough."
...because that was just 1 scene. 1 part of 1 scene. Also I agree with zombievillian, these are the most fluid crisp looking cutscenes I've seen in a console game in a long time. While occasionally the facial expressions are a little odd looking they are still leaps and bounds above the frozen face expressions of games like skyrim, mass effect 3, fallout, etc. In fact, only LA Noir has better facial expressions most of the time than from what I've seen in this game.
Anyone else stoked on the needler? I love it. Now its a power weapon and a force to be reckoned with. The needler was fearsome in H2 especially with two of them. "Oh crap that guys got two needlers. I might not beat him." Now its like "oh crap he has a needler. I'm dead."
I've been wishing for a superior needler since CE. It's such a cool idea for a weapon, but in practice it has just sucked in all the games except in campaign (because covies are dumb). Even dual-wielding them in H2 wouldn't kill people as fast as most other dual-wield combos, unless they were idiots. The new needler is fearsome and I can't wait to wreck some people with it.
I haven't even touched campaign yet, but this really excites me. I've never seen anyone with the exact same order of campaign preference as me before, but yours is bang on (even down to the number of >'s). I therefore feel pretty confident that I'll agree on H4's placement, which is damn high.