Flood is fun, but looses its value after a couple games because theres no variety. I absolutely love the whole ordinance system, works beautifully and motivates the player, i pretty much played from 1am-5am, then 12am-10pm, loving it haha what rank are you guys? im 23 right now
Could someone who has the standard edition clarify for me if you have access to 6 or all 8 specializations (with the 'gift' 343 is giving everyone who plays before the 20th)? I'm also a little uninformed, so correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't see all 8 specializations from the beginning, correct? You do see them all once you reach SR50, right? I'm probably wrong on both of these, so please let me know, thanks!
Lol I didn't really know what else to call it, but 343 has said that anyone who plays Multiplayer before November 20th will have access to either 6 or all 8 specializations, I can't remember which, and I was wondering how that worked, or actually if it worked. Edit: Here's a source, which coincidentally answers my lazy question !
Looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight, we're got a party of 12 in big team infinity slayer, and it looks like we're going strong into the night.
The only thing I don't like about matchmaking is the drop in/out. I hate going to search for a game and then not only do I not get to vote for a map but more often than not it puts me on the losing team (no one quits if they are winning) and as far as I can tell there is no punishment for leaving a game other than no points and you don't get many for losing anyway. And I still don't seem to have the specializations unlocked despite having the limited edition code that was supposed to unlock them for me as well as give me the map season pass thing. EDIT: read the link above and I have to get 50 in the first one before the others will unlock.
So can someone explain the specializations to me? is it like prestiging where you start back at 1 to complete the specialization, or do you stay at 50, and just gain the special modification it gives you?
Friday is gonna be an all nighter for me, should be getting H4 that day and playing the **** out of it for the next 8 hours with friends and randoms.
That does sound quite annoying. I'm surprised they didn't include a search option that could disallow this from happening. Maybe in a later update they will.
So yeah this game is good. Better than Reach for sure. However, the one thing Reach has over H4 is the menu. It just doesn't feel right.
I don't take any issue with the menu, I don't see any problems with it. Besides, I'm there for about 5 seconds before I go forge or play the darn game.
I thought the same thing when I saw Reach's menu after playing Halo 3 for an extended time. It seems like 343 wanted to uphold the traditional style of menu from older games in the trilogy. Stong blue hues, animated background, simple setup, etc.
Spoiler when you launch the nuke at the covvy ship in the campaign, I have to say, that was up there with the laziest animation i've ever seen, all it was was the modular separation of the ship, all the debris were fireworks (and even then there were only 4 or 5 of them, no flames, no wreckage, dafuq?
I love the idea of pathways temporarily obscured by a revolving door. I can imagine lots of cool ways to make maps utilize these for RvR, risky escape/flank routes, etc.