I remember that I used to have a "timeout" corner in my park composed of an ATM, a food booth, a drink booth, a bathroom, and a bench and trashcan. I was a vengeful god
I created a pool where every exit to my rides forced my park guests to plummet into a watery grave. Surprisingly my park rating remained high.
you'd think they'd learn to swim also, my favorite thing to do: fact 1: the launcher roller coaster (the one that either shoots you straight up, straight down, or straight out, idk what it's called) does not need to be a closed track fact 2: roller coaster carts do not crash if the track is continued with pathways step one: build your park with a central walkway, open at the end step two: place the largest rocket coaster you can at the far end of the walkway -build the tracks going straight out and extend it to the central walkway -put as many booster track pieces as you can step three: only launch the coaster with a full load step four: launch the cart, and watch as it plows through hoards of people and out of the park exit *repeat*
Regardless of who wins, I'm still going to be able to afford health care, afford a house, afford gas and a car, and afford college. #NO ONE 2012