It was like weirdly stuck in the middle of posting when I closed my laptop and apparently when I opened it, it finished (but it had already posted once somehow the first time) and posted again. @Peg: I hate to admit it....but I'm using the DMR
How do I get into my specialisations? I used my code, but they still haven't shown up. Do I need to wait until I finish the first specialisation?
Just played my first match. On haven. Went 17-12 got first strike and winning kill. Its so good. I came.
Well.. its already 19:15 here. The game should,ve already come today, but it didnt. And i dont really have hope that it will come anymore today, such an big dissapointment. I really hope its there after i get home after school. Or with a very very much luck today
One thing that annoys me in the campaign: Spoiler The sound in the cutscenes is so stale, save the voices. :/
This to the power of infinity, luckily, I have nearly 40 minutes left before i give up all hope since last time I ordered a game, it was here when I got home at 3pm. GOT IT! **** YEAH!
I'm loving Haven. Seriously loving it. Definitely my favourite map so far, with Ragnarok being a close second.
Agreed. I went into infinity slayer and immediately forgot all the complaints I had and just enjoyed myself.
I was kind of disappointed that I didn't get anything for beating the campaign. I miss the days when you actually had to earn armor permutations by specific means.
Man i mean, i am really angry. The company even sended me a mail, that i got it for sure today. All the mail has came, but not my game. Im pretty angry, besides that i dont even know if i get it tommorow!