I must of been one of the weird ones who read the tons of weird threads where people where excited about reach's forge and custom games and they thought the tons of new features in Reach was out weighed the losses: Ease of ghost merging>destructible objects. Placeable AA>Equipment, Revenant+falcon=chopper+hornet(in terms of mini games),New gametypes(race)>VIP, Gained infection options>lost infection options. Halo 3 to Reach forge and custom game options was a giant leap in right direction, Halo reach to halo 4 is like a side step (could even argue its a step back, or slight step forward, but definitely not the same size step forward it was for reach)
William, I don't think that's fair considering chrst's point. People had concerns b/w 3 and Reach too.. on that note, chrst, you have convinced me to join your side.
Yeah I agree with chrst. There's always gonna be a hard transition from each game, just a different experience. The mini-game department will not suffer. With all the new stuff, I think it will grow and become more creative.
Nutduster, want a reason to come back? hearing my voice in Teecoj again. Anyway I'm liking the new shade turret, with luck it may be functional unlike Reach's. As for the game, there are some things I am not a fan of, but it looks fun and the forge looks slightly more promising than Reach's. On top of that, the SP and MM look like fun (unlike Reach), so that makes me want it right there, with Forge 2.1, and a far superior version of the other modes.
i noticed that move also, during one of the mlg streams over the weekend, and i had the same reaction. " ...OH! ...hmmmmmm... =) =) =) " now i also wonder how customizable oddball is and perhaps if a new game using that mechanic will be invented. alas, only 9 hours left for me. sigh.
His point was: Mini game forgers thought mini games where dead in reach; To an equal extent to what mini game forgers thing mini games are dead in Halo 4. And i disagree with that, Mini games=Forge multiplied by custom game options. There will always be disappointment with little things but the overall perspective people where excited about Reach's mini games, Reach had an amazing forge with tons potential and features (compared to 3) and tons more custom game options so way more mini games in Reach then there was in 3. Halo reach to halo 4 there will always be disappointment with little things but the overall perspective (at least for me and few other people) is that where not gaining much in terms of mini games because forge has barely been improved (even been downgraded in some parts eg:no custom power ups) so we lose a lot of what was possible in Reach, and gain very little. So that's where the discrepancy comes in. (Really think on "FORGEhub" there was this much unease about Reach's new amazing forge, People where downloading google sketchup to make maps with the few pieces that we new about before release, Need i say more?) Has anyone actually used the turret? or got a clip of it been used? I would like to see that.
I just realized that the classic death traps in Halo 3, using a man cannon, moveable container and custom powerup are now also gone.
Minigames will live as long as forge and custom games. The difficulty of making minigames can change as well as how what you can do, but we'll always be able to do something. So much of it depends on glitches and unintended consequences that you can't expect everything to be included in each new game. Sure insane and custom powerups are gone, but we have grav and trait volumes now and while we can't recreate most minigames from reach, those were getting boring anyway and I'll be glad to usher in a new age of minigames should I get Halo 4.
Are they now? Can you name an example (Because i never really touched halo 3 forge) And ehm, containers are back, in 4 variants. If thats some use to you? But the custom powerup is an sad one..
So am I.. My halo 4 Limited Edition. But i am sick, and not going to school. Should i feel bad if i am going to play it?
**** it. Going this afternoon to get it... I didn't want to pass my final exam and get into to university did I? Nah, HALO 4.
I'm not hyped. I am actually pretty chill with this, just working on some things for university and playing some Mass Effect 3 MP. I just hope my university store gets it and doesnt sell out of them before I can get there. That would be sad. (The only other place I could possibly get the game is at a Wal-Mart and I both don't have the car to drive there and will not give them my money.)
Are you me? I'm also chill, not terribly hyped, and passing time with some of the badass ME3 multiplayer. Just got a Harrier II and finally solo'd god, in fact. Like I said, you must be me.
Darnit. You found out. I was hoping to be you forever and have you/me not find out about it. 1) We should definitely play sometime. 2) How dare you have the Harrier II?! I am so jealous...