I cannot say meh forge. Frome what i am hearing we have less lag shackles and more coherent textures. That alone makes me giddy with forge lust. Any news on how shadows are treated in phased objects? (Berb, TSB?)
I think Berb said a few pages back the lighting problem was still present with phased objects in natural geometry. As for as how shadows cast between phased pieces, I dunno.
It could be argued that the new textures combined with the dynamic lighting will be the most important additions to Forge. IMO, the object textures and bad lighting were the biggest problem in Reach. These new features should alleviate this issue, and that alone will allow experienced Forgers to create fantastic maps.
Framerate and object moving were by far the biggest issues in Reach forge imo. Function trumps form, and whilst I agree that object textures were a big issue in making immersive environments I think the glaring mechanical issues were a bigger deal, and frankly lighting wasn't something that bothered me too much.
I guess I'm not so disappointed in the Forge pallet because I recognized how good it was with Reach, but thought that making great maps didn't mean much when it was done on a shitty game; maybe now I'll be able to play forge maps and have decent/good gameplay on it.
We don't know for sure FR is fixed. Berb's test does look good in the instance but issue could still crop up with various combinations.
Yeah I didn't mean it was necessarily fixed, just that I disagreed about lighting and textures being the biggest problems in Reach. Still, it sounds as if it's a little better at least, which gives me hope.
Oh yeah for sure, Reach's textures wouldn't have been half as bad if we could have actually utilized all the pieces and the entire budget without worry.
Immersion is tbh the main thing I look for in games. I don't mind framerate as long as it isn't game-breakingly bad, which, I admit, it was at times in Reach. As for object moving, I must agree. It was a real pain at times, although there were ways to circumvent this and render the problem almost unnoticeable, albeit with great effort involved. The reason I brought up textures and lighting is because they were what prevented Forge maps in Reach being immersive for me personally, and so you can see why I chose to highlight those features. I should probably point out at this point (in case you haven't guessed) that I'm quite a casual gamer. If anything, I take Forging far more seriously than playing the game, if you can see any sense in that. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Something that struck me from H4 Follower's video was the new Wall Colosseum texture. Does anyone else think it looks really good?
I do say meh forge. (Without having played the game, though.) It's been 2 years since Reach came out, I feel that we can expect them to put some time in Forge to improve more or add more other than just making the objects a bit more lag prove or have catchier and more useful designs. Bringing pallets back or giving us more forge maps isn't enough for me. And honestly, the maps themselves could've been muuuuch better in terms of forgeability.