Might also be something they patch at some point (not sure if it's enough of a priority for a day 1 patch, though). Speaking of weapon-based glitches, can you set a weapon to fixed/phased & not have it glitch out when picked up & then dropped (more of a curiosity I guess, as IMO there are very few good uses for fixed weapons)?
That means all pieces shift, it just takes a piece big enough to notice. As long the player view doesn't bump every time you pass from one piece to another, I'm happy.
You mean to tell me that a Halo game is receiving criticism for its story? SO AGAINST THE GRAIN Also, what is the grain? Is IGN the grain or are we the grain?
You know what the only review that has any merit is? Your own. Every single reviewer, despite shuman's obviously slanted view on it, has their own agendas and their own pre-conceived notions of what a "good" game is. Those different perspectives flavored by the hundreds of games they have played seep into their writing in some way or another. Whether that is a more cynical reviewer who likes things just the way they like them and any deviation from that formula makes for a bad experience to them, or a reviewer bowing down to pressure from their publisher who needs the advertising business or access to the larger game companies to continue making money. The only voice that matters in the end is your own. The things that you like and the things that you don't like from your experience with the game. Other reviews can only give you context and a peek into whether you feel like it is worth your time, true understanding of how "fun" the experience is can only come from doing it.
0% Fall damage is a custom option You can also make players look like Flood, even not in Flood mode You can force apply the visual effects of the speed boost, damage boost, etc.
Now THAT is cool. Oh yeah and i don't know if this is still an issue, but the sword does make a sound when pulled out.
That's so damn good. Have you not read anything I've written? That's my point, that reviewers should have their own ideas, and not just borrow impressions from what they expect people want to hear. In the words of Orwell: "Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations." Reviewers exist to give you the best possible guess. It is in this way that they have spectacularly failed in recent years.
How is the edit coordinates? is the yaw rotating in relation to the piece instead of the world like in reach?
Brace yourselves... Fixed weapons has been fixed. I never used that ****. I tried it, but it seems exactly like Reach to me. I don't think they messed with Coordinates at all.
Good thing my lazy ass no longer has to do a live stream to answer these questions. There are a lot more than I was anticipating. BTW Silence, the rotating walls glitch was made worse when forging in a group online so if you are not testing online it may still be pretty bad.
yay and 90 degree rotation snap? does that do the glitch where it turns 180 dergees instead of 90 over and over again?
I am un-braced and flipping out all over the place. In all honesty, that's a big deal. Interesting weapon set ups can now happen without any problem.
Then why do you keep bringing up lower reviews as if to say, "hey guys, look at the bad things these guys think about the game, trust their opinions over the reviews I'm not specifically mentioning because I think those reviews are all crap" If you feel the same way you sure aren't showing it in what you keep posting.
Overshield can be used as an initial ordnance drop, so there is that... AA's can be used as ordnance drops too, so you can give someone camo, they can just keep using it until death is all. Overall, the more I use forge, the better I'm feeling about it. I miss the **** out of precision movement, but I'm getting along okay without it. Halo 3 style, letting go. lol