It's still in. I've seen an IGN video of Ragnarok where Kynan Pearson (apologies if I spelt his name wrong) used it. Edit: Didn't see Berb's post.
Finding truly flat area can only be found in the arena. However, Ravine has some relatively flat (flatter than anything on ForgeWorld) green spaces on it. Plus the secondary asteroid on impact has a shallow crater that could be useful.
Speaking of rotation, is the rotation more intuitive than it was in Reach? In Reach, when you rotated the pitch of an object 90 degrees, it would cause the other two to go askew. In fact, in most (if not all) cases, turning the pitch of an object by 90 degrees would cause the engine to confuse the yaw and roll (they'd become as if they were the same axis, rotating the object in the same direction). Also, do you have any way of checking if the Save Map glitch is still present? Can we use Save Map without worrying that the current map will save itself over another random map on our HDD? I'd hate to have to use Save New Map every single time (that was such a pain in Reach, just to avoid possibly losing maps). Is the disco glitch still there? Can we place place multiple objects without worrying about it causing them all to start blinking like crazy (not referring to lag or z-fighting, but the glitch that causes random objects to start blinking in some sort of crazy cycle, even when standing still)? How do magnets affect rotation? Can you attach something to a magnet point, and use that as an anchor while you rotate an object? Can you use magnets to easily (or at least more easily) create rolling/twisting/looping race tracks (yeah, I know, no Race gametype, but still)? One final thing: are the building blocks more compatible thickness-wise now (ie, does flat actually mean something consistent between the blocks), or is a 2x2 flat still twice as thick as the 5x5 flat (could never figure out why they did it that way in Reach)?
Yeah, that is a lot of text XD. Sorry about that. And I appreciate that you're going to look into my questions. I wish I knew exactly how the Save Map glitch happens, though; might be hard for you to test (since it doesn't happen every time).
I'll eat my words. I'm loving MLG CTF right now. Games are intense and have a lot of strategy. It's actually really enjoyable to see what they do when they can't run right straight across the map with a quick flag juggle.
I have long hated the flag juggle, but I did not enjoy the whole "autopickup-nodrop" thing they went with to solve it. Guess I'll have to see how it works out.
This. I have no idea. Also, scenery pieces can be phased properly now. Getting a crate halfway in the ground no longer requires H3 merging.
I found at least one possible way to try to replicate the Save Map Glitch (found it on an old Bungie forum posting that Yahoo had cached): Below are the steps for triggering an overwrite of a previously saved map. Basically, do NOT use "Save Map" after re-entering a map you left and had not previously saved when you HAD saved a map before starting the new one. 1. Launch Forge 2. Create a map and save it with a unique name and description 3. Open any default (built-in) map variant in Forge 4. Go to the Start menu and select End Game 5. Re-enter Forge without changing the map 6. Go to the start menu and select "Save Map" You will have then saved over (the) previously map. Again, to avoid this, do not hit "Save Map" when you are editing a new map you've never saved before. Use "Save As..." instead. I'll try to do a few tests myself in Reach to see if I can replicate it there reliably.
Are you saying that because there is no way to trade off flag carrier location for extra speed in MLG, it is more useful to take a less visible longer route, or are you saying that the new maps don't have quick middle passages? Don't like clicking links? In a nutshell, Broussard announces that Brandon Justice (The writer of the EGM review that (*gasp*) gives Halo 4 a 7.0) is a retard. Broussard then fails to apologise and in a progressive and bold move proves that developers too can be whiny belligerant fanboys.
Previously MLG flag, especially on smaller maps, could be kill enemy team, plug flag and dart across map with flag running. Because of the changes to flag, they'll always know where you are, you need to utilize your magnum if you get confronted and and it takes a lot more team strategy to pull it because when you kill them throughout the map, they're not necessarily going to stay down long enough or be out of their base long enough. A lot of should you pull the flag with the sniper in hand or wait? Where are your teammates at so which route should you go. On the defence side of things you have to be careful to engage the flag carrier with your primary because you could get raped by the pistol. Overall, just very enjoyable to watch.