Thats disappointing yeah. But here is more : Ravine is way bigger then you think, and you can forge on the sides, there is pretty much air too. But say.. not enough space for somenthing like hemmorhage. Stay tuned, ask me questions, il ask him to check it. If he wants too, im sure he will.
Thought it was an extremely weird option to have lol, That makes more sense, I just cant stand going on 343i website Wouldn't mind hearing the weird not obvious custom game options that are and are not included. Like can we force loadouts like in reach? is on top of my list. (like have loadout1/loadout2/loadout3/4/5 with forced weapons and AA's)
for anyone who was freaking out about points in objective gametypes, those points you see for getting kills and medals only count toward your personal ordnance meter, not the team score. they said that a while ago. same with infinity slayer. you get personal points for assists and double kills and stuff, but the team score only goes up with kills, by 10 points consistently.
I'm pretty sure her wording implied that we could change it ourselves. Let me check quickly. EDIT: Sorry TSB, I got the sprint scaling and weapon swap confused. It's still a possibility, though.
You're fine, I just want to squash rumors before they spread. Slayer Pro always had sprint, but people seem to think otherwise because false information spreads and people jump to conclusions. I didn't want this to be another one of those.
Definitely a good catch. On that same note, I'll go delete the original post. Also, can I haz leaks now?
It was crazy misinterpretation and it just was like wildfire. Re-watching the video interview with Bravo (I did after the game leaked and I heard there was sprint) they never mention sprint, only no perks/no AAs. People just forgot sprint wasn't an AA I guess.
PEOPLE! The guy playing halo 4, answered. He checked it and we can still force loadouts, so that great news isnt it people? This was actually pretty obvious, but just to make it confirmed, here we go!
I do remember something about the armors or weapon skins that actually was true.. just pointing out that sometimes these rumors are true. Speaking of which, let's not go crazy until nov. 6th. Who else is bored, not forging anything, because halo 4's coming out soon?
Weekend will fly by then it'll Monday and that night I'll be going to get H4. Seems like it's here already but damn, I want to forge with a purpose. I built an entire map when I moved into my apartment because I had no internet for a week. Never did anything with it because it was pointless to continue forging in Reach.
That's pretty amazing thanks for that , I'm pretty amazed that 343i didn't decide to take it out lol (no offense but not gonna trust your source 100% so i don't get disappointed if its not and did something wrong but still good to hear) Next question would be can I force traits onto each loadout individually? Loadout 1 has 100% speed, Loadout 2 has 300% speed. Because if I can do that I don't care about rest of game that's enough for me to want it.
I can understand that you are no 100% trustfull, thats obvious. Because he could indeed somenthing do wrong, but im pretty sure this is true. Will try to ask him, but he is in multiplayer now. Yes multiplayer, like 200 people online. Everyone is calling him and sending him messages so he is pretty busy.
I've(and a lot of people) been wanting loadout specific traits since I heard reach had loadouts and since heard TU for reach. It can't be that hard to put a "Traits" tab into each loadout in the custom game settings UI. It would open up billions of mini games. I'm pretty sure its true I just don't wanna go making out with a chick with broad shoulders until I know for sure.
Not to mention.. I actually do to, but still its an nice request i will ask it in some time. But it would be pretty awesome, very awesome.
I'm not saying that it wouldn't be cool for mini-games and ****, but I just don't realistically see them spending the time on that sort of thing when they didn't even have enough time to finish campaign mode theater.
No If you mean palletes themselves, yes there are palletes [br][/br]Edited by merge: He is playing Flood now, got assasinated by an flood, and it was really epic. The flood keeps stabbing/punching you, as he described that.