Does that actually work, to play game content off a flash drive? If so I might be doing this myself - pretty sure my hard drive has less than 8 gigs left on it.
Here is the youtube of that gamespot stream that just happened for anyone who missed it.
I believe it works as if you would download the game on your Xbox. You still are required to place the game disk in, but it will essentially run off the flash drive. It's faster and you don't have to worry about scratching your disk.
Maybe it will come later. Just watched the stream but I thought I read that somebody saw a map on ravine hat they played on? Something that started with a "s" Can I get a link to that?
"Settler" Im sorry but i cant find a link. People on Ign found it an Blood gulch inspired map, but it really doesnt look that way. The map itself looks ok, not good, just passable. For me atleast, it seems 343 doesnt know how to forge themselves. Because the erosion forge map is terrible, the layout at least. For me only Relay is a decent forge map from the three, has an pretty nice layout and made use of some nice pieces.
it was one of the forged maps they've made for us. its on Ravine and its called Settler. and the one on Erosion is called Ascent. i can find a vid.
See, this is what I mean. You're putting too much effort into making halo 4 look bad. I mean that review gave halo 4 an 8, which is still a good score. This is all a matter of perspective but you seem to be acting on whatever bit of negative feedback you can find and presenting it as if it is the one and only honest opinion.
Ascent is terrible, its the Erosion map. It consumes all the place of the hill, with the blue starting at the bottom and red at the top. All turrets and other weaponary are faced downhill, who ever spawns there is screwed. The layout really sucks. Then for Settler.. Its ok i guess, i have said it but ill say it again.. Its passable imo. They state it as an blood gulch inspired map, with the two bases each side. But it really doesnt look that way. This map takes place on the north and southside of the cliff (flat area) and has some forge pieces on it.. It does not seem like they did much effort to make an good forge map. The last one is Relay, and thats the best one of the three, forged on impact. It has a nice layout, and they used some new forge pieces with some of the returning and made them mix well. Its a small map, and it is completly forged, no terrain.
Thank you for contributing nothing in that post. How would you rate Halo 4 based on what we've seen on a scale from 0 to 10 (It pisses me off when people say 1...)? (Not just for Wood Wonk, for everyone)
they kept calling Settler similar to blood gulch, but it really was nothing like blood gulch except for the fact that it was in a gulch. it seemed slightly smaller than blood gulch also. i was not impressed by it. Ascent is a map on the sand part of erosion and its called ascent because one team spawns at the bottom of the hill and the other at the top. i was not that impressed by the layout of this map either. the ign dude said its his least fav. what was cool about seeing them was more just seeing the pieces and how they look in the environment. got me excvited for forging lol ninja'd
cant find any. i imagine they'll be up soon from whoever captured them though, thats how it usually goes. the gamespot stream is on youtube on their channel, but i cant find the ign one. (the one that had them)
He wasn't rating it, dude. He was quoting the 10/10 from the destructoid review; he was just trying make a point to Shuman. Think before you post, cycle.
My point was that we can bash people with other people's numbers all we want, but it doesn't achieve anything or change the content of the game itself.