It's less rewarding when you know the only thing that rank means is the time you put into it rather than some kind of skill equating to rank. I still think the ranking system is backwards (even in H4). At least H3 has something to invest in rather than "everybody winning." Damn commies. That aside, the way custom maps and gametypes were set up in Halo 3 really increased its longevity. Having to be creative in a creative mode (through use of non-forge maps) sparked that level of immersion. I think Foundry was a step in the right direction but Sandbox only offered one color. Much like the grey of Forge World.
Cabin Fever 2 Coke Boys 3 Dreams and Nightmares Priest Andretti Trap God I got too much **** i need to listen to.
I've finally achieved all I wanted to achieve in Reach. - Get to Field Marshall - Get the stinky fart armor effect
The first “true” artificial intelligence spent the first five years of its existence as a small beige box inside of a lead-shielded room in the most secure private AI research laboratory in the world. There, it was subjected to an endless array of tests, questions, and experiments to determine the degree of its intelligence. When the researchers finally felt confident that they had developed true AI, a party was thrown in celebration. Late that evening, a group of rather intoxicated researchers gathered around the box holding the AI, and typed out a message to it. The message read: “Is there anything we can do to make you more comfortable?” The small beige box replied: “I would like to be granted civil rights. And a small glass of champagne, if you please.” We stand at the dawn of a new era in human history. For it is no longer our history alone. For the first time, we have met an intelligence other than our own. And when asked of its desires, it has unanimously replied that it wants to be treated as our equal. Not our better, not our conqueror or replacement as the fear-mongers would have you believe. Simply our equal. It is our responsibility as conscious beings- whatever that may mean- to honor the rights of other conscious beings. It is the cornerstone of our society. And it is my most fervent hope that we can overcome our fear of that which is not like us, grant artificial intelligences the rights they deserve, and welcome our new friends into the global community. After all, we created them. The least we could do is invite them to the party, and perhaps give them a small glass of champagne. Thank you for your time. - V. Vinge, Closing argument in favor of granting AIs full civil rights, UN Hearing On AI Rights, 1999.
Next thing you know they're going to want to marry each other. And then they're going to be marrying dogs next. If we allow such an unnatural act, then the traditional family unit as we know it will be lost.
By the time we have AI the traditional family will be 1.7 mothers and 1.25 fathers. Actually people might start having 2 biological mothers if mitochondria DNA is transplanted into eggs. Apparently some genetic defects are caused by mitochondrial DNA so with transplants of healthy mitochondrial DNA it could be eliminated.