As much as I would love to see Death Island, Ice Fields or Danger Canyon remade, I doubt this will be possible. I would think a Tempest or Highlands remake would be interesting. For Halo 3, High Ground or Ghost Town.
The Pit, Citadel, and Epitaph. Loved all three of these maps and have great memories on these maps. I hope people are able to get some of the aesthetics. From what I've seen so far, though, is that it's the exact same pieces in forge as Halo: Reach just retextured. There are, however, map specific pieces, so that's pretty boss. The map Impact in Halo 4 has the most new pieces.
I second this notion. However as you stated, they could be remade quite easily in forge. Hell I reckon I might even try remaking Epitaph.
I imagine he was regarding prebuilt remakes like Ragnorak. It is a new game, so including a metric ton of remakes would be very unoriginal and discourage people from playing something new. Additionally, 80% of the maps will be ramade in forge the first week anyway, hahaha.
Halo Reach's DLC map Tempest. I absolutely loved that map. It was rarely played though. It was a perfect mix of Valhalla and smaller maps like the Pit, also I would love to see WaterWoks(that map was beautiful), and Sandtrap. As for maps I'd like to see remade in forge... Guardian, The Pit, Lockout, Chill Out, Damnation, and Zealot.
Good Guardian remake , Pit , Construct , Epitaph , Cold Storage, Hang Hem High , Black Out and why not Countdown , Powerhouse and Sword Base .
Powerhouse, only changed up to be a bit more balanced. High Ground, we need the king of one flag CTF maps back already. Last Resort, speaking of one flag maps... Forge World, what? You get like a thousand remakes in one right?
but its like blasphemy! Remakes are needed in every game. I'm actually supprised that they only chose one remake for halo 4