Any idea how close we can get? Like... do I have to build a floating map high up or can it still be on the water?
so what you're talking about is meta meta conversation, which makes what I'm talking about meta meta meta conversation Spoiler metaconverceptionception [br][/br]Edited by merge: I don't think that should be a problem. if you look at the RTX video, it's probably only 2-3 coordinates away from the water.
Anyone else concerned with how taking out the energy sword doesn't even make the slightest bit of sound?
So Im not just seeing things, someone else has noticed this too! Yeah I found it weird, but in all honestly its such a minor thing that it hardly matters.
I did notice that. And it is a bit concerning. But if someone pulled out a shotgun around a corner that doesn't make sound so I suppose now they are equal on that front.
i think you misread something, or only read 4 words in the sentence. he was referring to bringing out the sword, like picking it up or switching to it from your secondary position. [br][/br]Edited by merge: and it does, however, make a sound when you put it away
not only that, but 343 realizes that half of the people who play play with the sound off, and that audio cues are not at all consistent in balancing anything.
gun sounds make the game an experience, i hope we still have them, any confirmation on this? I saw the video but he could be playing with the fx sounds off or something
This is a leaked version of the game, the sound thing is probably a bug. Calm down. I've seen videos where it makes sounds when it's pulled out.
damn, dat armor! sexy! not my fav color choice but still.... dayummm also, heres a video. at :45 he picks up sword, and it does make a sound. mlg on adrift
That's not really conclusive dude. Could have been the sword but could also been his shields popping from the other guy's attack.
Pretty cool but they don't look like multiplayer vehicles which is kind of saddening. :c I don't see how the Lich differs from the Phantom either.