I hope you guys did not assume that because you have seen the lockout video. Because he was playing this map in customs, so he could just have put on some kill areas down there in forge.
This is forge, though. The bottom of the map is relative. If I want to build a floor .2 units under the surface of the water and have the bottom of my map be a safe puddle, I'd like to be able to do that...
god this thread is so repetitive. I said that like a page back. anyway, even if what you were saying was true, we still have the water on ravine.
while i agree that its mildly disappointing that we cant forge something in the water, the amount of assholery that has exploded in this thread over such an insignificant thing baffles me. we had underwater maps in H3, they were stupid. we had a kill barrier a couple units under the water in reach, so the only way we could use the water was aesthetically, and it was often quite stupid. i used it on one of my maps and looking back, it was terrible. the only time it was cool was by having little pools on a map and even then, is it really something to get so upset over? sometimes you people are silly.
How close can we get? I dont really mind so much if the kill zone begins really close to the water. Underwater maps were never too fun.
EXACTLY! Man we are only getting dissapointments, what are you doing 343? Where are the good forge things? Time to turn the tables, lets us know about some good stuff. (If there is good stuff -_-) But, i already expected this.. Look at this video again Halo 4 RTX - Achievement Horse - Jack vs.Geoff - YouTube Everytime Jack and Geoff fall down, you can see the water. Look how odd the water looks, it looks beautiful from a distance, but from up close.. ehh.. But thats probally the quality on the video though But why did they limit the kil barriers so much? You cant go high on Ravine, luckly we can go all down, and they better make the sides available for forging. Ok then, the ravine water barrier? Makes kinda sense, but the Erosion one is ridiculous, i was really excited about that part of Erosion Just doesnt make sense to me. Man Impact, you are one of my last hopes, dont dissapoint me too! (Still Erosion looks beautiful though, and Ravine has an amazing backdrop)
Honestly im content with the fact we have 3 pretty nice looking forge maps, sure theres limitations, but there was limitations in reach and in 3 aswell. Water was never exactly important except to sewer maps, which were repetitive and annoying.
detailed water that we could get close to was probably not a big help when it came to framerate issues in reach. regardless, water in maps was purely aesthetic and trivial. much like trees. who cares.
I agree that this is a trivial thing to complain about, but it still makes me angry. Its just another thing that didn't have a good reason to be removed.
If that's actually the rationale behind it, I would happily accept the trade-off. Though it would be nice if 343/Frankie would say so, but they don't spend a lot of time communicating with any forge communities that I know of. I don't think the words "frame rate lag" have crossed any lips but ours in the long build-up to Halo 4. Aesthetics aren't trivial to people who care about aesthetics. In a few months when we've seen 8,000 similar-looking maps with the same backdrop, I for one will be wishing there were a few maps with some pretty aesthetic water in them. And I'm primarily a competitive map designer, but still: memorability and a little visual flare is part of how a map sticks in your brain.
the worst thing is that 343 isn't going to talk about anything that's been leaked until november 2nd, which is after the bulletin gets released
BAM, that right there. I'm not even angry as such; more like constantly exasperated. I wanted forge in Halo 4 to blow my mind; when it became apparent a few weeks ago that that wasn't going to happen, I was just hoping for something equivalent to but upgraded in a few key areas from Reach's forge; yet lately most of the news from the leaks seems to be about things that are actually worse than Reach. Apart from improved lighting, better object skins (though not lacking for their own pitfalls), and the vague hope of far superior frame rate, this forge is looking like a letdown - and it was my #1 reason for buying the game. I'm still buying it, but this is the first Halo where I'm starting to wonder why exactly that is.
And we can't wait for all the whining about whining. The meta conversation in here has gotten really old. I'd rather talk about the game than about whether someone's opinion of the game is slightly too positive or too negative for someone else's tastes.
well, with the new xbox coming our way, I doubt that 343 will have any reason to cut anything more. Hell, we might even get... (*GASP!*) ...improvements.