What, like Firefight maps? That'd be insane. Although I gotta say, I don't know how well any of them could play out.
I've had that idea. I even tried to make some ODST maps. They work best for 1v1 and 2v2s at the spawn area.
Not, I imagine, the big ones though; just the building ones? Likeeee I can't think of the name but my favorite (besides of course the best to get the Vidmaster on) was that wide open desert.
Ima make another sumo tower. using those gravity volumes in some unique ways. speaking of which, i need to release my reach sumo map soon
I was thinking that would be awesome too. The water area, and all all of those jagged rocks would be amazing. I just wish I could combined two of the maps, so that the matrix city could still be outside, and have a normal looking skyline. I considered propping it up near the opening to the cavern, but I'm not sure that is going to be big enough... P.S. anyone have any news on what the Extraction gametype is all about yet? Just going on the sound of the name, it might be perfect for this.
I think you could simulate a skyline by bringing your map up as high as is allowed, and perhaps with massive pieces just block off the edges of the cave encroaching on your sky. I don't know if any piece will be big enough, but you could justify it by calling them skyscrapers. I get what you're saying, though. I'm kinda psyched to have it as an option anyway. Now, I haven't even heard of Extraction, but I like a lot of the changed game modes they've been implementing. Ah, right, I was going to say, since the gravity zones can be visible or invisible at will, you could potentially use those as matrix-world indicators of some sort. Maybe.
A fat kid map. Just kidding. I will do a space battle map, perhaps based on Star Wars. It would accommodate Slayer, Infinity Slayer, Capture the Flag, and most importantly, Assault. The point would be to get inside the enemy ship and plant the bomb on the engine bay to win. The defending ship will be stationed above the asteroid's ground, where forces will have to fight to get to a gravity lift where they can get inside the ship (think Truth and Reconciliation-style lift with the gravity modifiers). The attacking ship will be out in space, which houses heavy vehicles and long range weapons. This will give them an effective chance to stake out the defending ship, while the defenders only get short range weapons, mainly plasma and forerunner in origin, to give them a chance at defending their ship's engines effectively. I'll come up with a credible, short backstory to it and if budget allows, it will be an aesthetically-pleasing map.
It kinda looks like even VIP isn't in, actually. That bites. I miss Agents and actually fun races. =( I want both of em in. Seriously. Also I really wish I was better at forging... I come up with ideas and get bored of them, but even the ones that turn out perfect (except for spawning because I always get lazy at that point) aren't "good" maps. Well-forged, but either not aesthetically pleasing (in Reach especially >_>) or poor gameplay-wise. I just don't get the basics I guess.
Well, don't give up that's all I can say. I used to be a below-average forger, and I've improved since then. I wouldn't say my maps are amazing, but they do the job. Perseverance is key, my friend.
Like a combination of firefight maps and campaign spaces. You might not know, but I created an invasion map called Data Hive based off that part of the campaign, Rally Point as a big team map and I began creating Alpha Site with the bridge and everything, as well as Last Exit (but never finished the latter two) in reach.
Just wanna say one thing: **** the fact that there seem to be no forgeable trees on any of the forge maps. Why did they remove those again? After Ridgeline you'd expect otherwise.
No, because they have so many polygons they cause framerate. It's the same logic behind taking out the rock, arch.
Try not to take everything I say too seriously That's not a good reason to remove them in my opinion. With that logic, they might as well remove every object that has the potential to cause framerate.
Just want to say: Wade, Your "Matrix" idea for a map/game type just ROCKS! Perhaps you could call it "The Nebuchadnezzar" (yes, you see what I did thar
what? "make them better"? what does that even mean? the only way to make them more framerate efficient is to reduce the number of polygons, which then makes them look like poop. and no, halo 3 objects had a lot less polygons that reach objects for the most part.
Ive already made a Duckhunt, its pretty nice and works well, Im just waiting for Waypoint to let me Download the Screenshots and post my map
I had a custom gametype in Halo 3 called "Stealth Mission" I wanted to bring back for Halo 4, but I need asymmetrical team traits with one life. I'm hoping we get an update soon, but we still haven't heard anything. Anyone know of a workaround?