Screw the water, I'm all for the neutral forge colors. Can't even forge by the water anyway. Only plus side to that is no noob infection sewer maps.. (Disclaimer: there ARE some good ones, like Warholic's )
Yeah they are returning. They were mentioned in the bulletin. I assume fuel tank or whatever was a replacement for propane tank, but I was wondering what happened to the plasma battery? Glad to see the shade turret, though, it wasn't used much, but I see it as almost a staple of custom games, and I was worrying that it might not return.
How is a Shade turret a staple of custom games lol. I was sad when I found out you cant go too close to the water :/ How is a Shade turret a staple of custom games lol. I was sad when I found out you cant go too close to the water :/
Idk, but the graphics looked weird to me. Cool to see a change from forge world though. I just hope I can merge different pieces together without it looking real stupid. Like I could back in the sandbox days. That was a cornerstone of my forging technique that was taken from me with reach.
Do you mean some struggled to make The Pit without framerate problems? If so, Frankie didn't seem to necessarily be referring to an absence of framerate problems on those maps. The "relative ease" may just refer to magnets and the "plenty of room" may refer to just that, because he said soon after (paraphrasing) that for a larger map you would need to use natural geometry.
Yep. They needlessly added kill barriers, because 343 hates fun. That sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I really am starting to think it's true.
Goddamn funsuckers! If you can at least forge up to, and in to the water just to use it aesthetically I'll be happy. I don't need to go in the water to have fun. But still, WTF? Edit: what about the rock ceiling? How close can we get to that? Using that as a cathedral ceiling would look fantastic if done right.
A soft kill barrier starts when you get even remotely close to the water. Because apparently Spartans die of fright when they get close to water or something. Spoiler
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I Knew it! The water on Ravine looks so weird.. I was really wondering if we could forge in the water. But we cant. Why, what the ****? Why did they do that? Because they cant make water? There are kill barriers everywhere now. GODDAMMIT!
Obviously, including points of view from under water takes up a whole lot of disc space, so it's definitely justified. How else is 343 going to fit a previously 1-disc game onto two discs?
Maybe this is 343's way of helping to eliminate FRL problems. Water in maps can sometimes cause FR so if you can't have water in your maps, problem solved! No more water induced FR! lol